you have no idea of the weird stuff you can find on my face. they reckon there is a new species appearing about every two weeks. only last week some japanese scientist thought he found a septic with a brain on my top lip. they tested it and it had an iq of 8 . but they later found out it was just a piece of snot that had got mixed up with some pizza. they still say it was smarter than a yank
...but why is the rum gone? said:
Ok, that definetly didn't make any sense to me. If you're trying to make fun of me then it's not working, I have to be able to understand what your saying... sorry :(

are you his girlfriend??????????? :eek:
of course old rummy is dildo bint, every one knows her. and we're not making fun of you we're takin the piff out of dildo. i have to know is he hung like a donkey or are you just just incredible fat, a sort of mrs creosote type person.
(gee! folks i hope ah don't got to transalate alla dis into yank talk . it will be full of y'awl's,ya know's, **** boys and lets bomb them)

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