Now THAT made me larf! I cannot compete with that. Lucid tonight Slob?

Anyways, s'bin nice, but I'm buying a Freelander, cos' I've been convinced they're great by being drawn into the forum on the promise of a fight, so I ain't talking to you backward tractor folk no more.
Nope, but there's lots of "Stealerships" out there (hey, hey, just learned that by loitering in their forum, well, they asked for it!) & I'm sure they'll cater to my every after sales need. If my "make up low" warning light comes on, they'll fix it & if I want another lipstick holder, I'll get one AND under warranty.
Ah, only in the diffs though, you need Clarins for the engine & apparently the cooling system runs best on Issey Miyake, but if you use the eau de toilette you don't need to mix it with water.
Weeeell, it's going to have to be. What else can we do? All sell our nice white Deefendoors & use the proceeds to send him a remedial teacher & a copy of "How to win friends & influence people"?

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