Sheddy said:
I was gonna comment, but I'll leave it for Mr S to answer. I can't ...... mustn't.......
oh yeah leave it to me..what could i possible say??
did i tell you i seen a where's dildo t-shirt on e bay?
Ha ha, I've been away for a few days & now back I'm glad to see this ol' chestnut is still running. I'm a bit lost though, has Whereswalmart got a pirate bitch alter ego or is this another Armerericun or are they both imaginative figs? Actually a "where's Dildo?" T-shirt might sell, written in that wobbly, vibratey writing. I quite like that!
i can see it now,film and live stage show...where's dildo and his magical landy...or dildo's pirate does dallas
...but why is the rum gone? said:
i'm not fat, if that's what youre asking. And I don't really think it's any of anybodies business to know about me and Brians personal life. sorry
you're not really sorry cos if you was you'd give us all the gorry details.
...but why is the rum gone? said:
And im not an imaginitive person. im real, all of me.
are you sure you mean imaginitive or are you another dumb septic that can't spell
Ah, the joys of the net. See it's such an electronic mire out there, full of pretence & subterfuge, I'm more inclined to believe Slob is Mr Creosote than believe your Avatar is acutally you Ms Rum. Though if it is, I'm getting terribly imaginative here!
i am mr creosote...and i can't see rummy avatar.. maybe you could e mail it toma so i can have a larf aswell..
Yes, yes i do, but i can’t see how if you look like your avatar! hay slob what would cause the engine to totally cut out if a diffy, we had been wading in deep water about an hour and a half before, like normal road driving, happen to a mate of mine today when i was in the car, not very nice! There was water in the battery compartment but not covering it, we drained it and jumped it from a very kind land rover enthusiast down the road. But it cut out again about 50 meters on! Not sure what I could be, well, loads of things I guess

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