whereswaldo583 said:
ya...do you know anyone else on this website who can spit out that much crap...and by the way, im having a conversation with you, so therefore, you cant be me, so that eliminates one
you need to get out more!
Am I real or just a figment of dildo's imagination?

Would that mean that I aknowledge him to be real? Or does that mean that he is not real so he hasn't got an imagination for me to be a figment of therefore I'm not typing this?

**** .... I just dissapeared in a puff of logic.
Ha ha, nice one Sheddy.

What's AIM? Something to do with Americans & Mental........Can't be arsed to play acronyms, it's too early in the morning!
maybe dildo is a figment of our collective imaginations

Erk, I told you you shouldn't distill EP90 & French cider...........Though if "Dildo is a figment of our collective imaginations" does that mean we're all f**ked in the head?
why do people spell ****ed as f**ked? we all know what it is (except wheresdildo747) and we all read it as ****ed so why bother??
There might be teeny weeny kiddie Landy enthusiasts reading who don't really own Land rovers but want to when they grows up and gets a proper income rather than a Saturday job sh***ing in p**ples b*gs. :rolleyes:

Anyways, I do just try to retain a modicum of decency 'round here, until my sixth or seventh voddie at least.

Now Mr S stop being such a c**t! ;)
Yep, Cent, it's the hourly rate in the "new world" for people what sh*ts in other peoples bags for a living, still the going rate for a few of the colonies too I believe?
oh! so i have to stop being an hourly rate then? ok i can do that..if he does overtime will he get time and a turd?

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