great minds think alike!!!! i was in the process of doing one when i find the poll button again
Arn't all Americans stupid regardless of wether they are real or pretend.

Or am I guilty of steriotypeing.

How about a poll

Oh **** I just got it

How about a poll on thick Yorkshiremen.

D'you know the difference between a Yorkshireman and a Scot?

Well, where I gain in dress sense, Slob gains in generosity!

Sorry it's work tommorrow and I've had a drop off falling over water to try to forget.
listen ere ya yorkshire pudding you!!!! it was a scotman what invented the telephone and an englishman that put the money box on it. scotsman invented tarmac english invent road tax and toll roads.scotman invents whisky english invent duty,, scotmans invent steam engine and the pneumatic tyre the prequel to the car, the english invent the freelander
WheresDildo, you have given the ultimate arguement. You have a picture of a '90 so you must be who you say you are. That really is Slobs mechaniniic too.
Sheddy said:
WheresDildo, you have given the ultimate arguement. You have a picture of a '90 so you must be who you say you are. That really is Slobs mechaniniic too.
she is!! you doubt me do ya?
Sheddy said:
WheresDildo, you have given the ultimate arguement. You have a picture of a '90 so you must be who you say you are. That really is Slobs mechaniniic too.
she is!! you doubt me do ya? oh ! look at my avatar i must be wheresdildo747(2)
Waaaaaah, what happened! I've caught it too!..........I just checked on the drive thinking my III had turned into a Defender. Phew, it's OK it's still a III. Hmmmm, well that don't work then!

Hey, can't we form a club now & have white Defender patches made & eveything?
of course you can !! you have the avatar. so what wil we call this club?? wheresweirdo's landies or wheresdildo's big boys
The "Got the pic, must have the motor club"? Actually, Where is Walmark? He's missing all the the fun! He can be our leedoor.
:D Dunno off hand, but surely we can muster enough sub-human depravity between us to come up with a link between dildos and coils.
oh yeah right
i can see it now
the martians land
green dude pops out and says "take me to your leader"
green dude spots wheresdildo and says

"on second thoughts don't bother"

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