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I'm sure that Mr. Smith will oblige at some point.
Two things:
1. Taking a few pictures out of context gives a false picture and many of the pics Mr. Smith sent me were duplicates, ie. several pics taken of the same area from different angles.
2. Whether there are problems with the job is irrelevant because my terms and conditions which Ricard Smith signed make clear that in case of problems the vehicle has to be returned for rectification. Why is he refusing to do this? The problems can't be all that bad because he asked for a partial refund of £250. So if he is prepared to live with the problems for £250 I don't think they can be all that bad.
I'm sure that Mr. Smith will oblige at some point.
Two things:
1. Taking a few pictures out of context gives a false picture and many of the pics Mr. Smith sent me were duplicates, ie. several pics taken of the same area from different angles.
2. Whether there are problems with the job is irrelevant because my terms and conditions which Ricard Smith signed make clear that in case of problems the vehicle has to be returned for rectification. Why is he refusing to do this? The problems can't be all that bad because he asked for a partial refund of £250. So if he is prepared to live with the problems for £250 I don't think they can be all that bad.


will indeed be interesting to see some pictures, did wonder if u may have taken some before any vehicle leaves ur premises , so at least then u know what condition they are in , before and after

of course there are indeed some very good and bad companies out there , but until pictures are displayed it’s like asking a crystal ball

is good that at least if some companies do shoddy work and pictures as proof that other owners are warned and not to go deal with them

it goes without question i’m not saying that in any shape or form of ur company , if it’s good or bad , that would be unfair to discredit anyone without some form of proof , there’s always 2 x sides to everything

as we all know social media can kill a company with bad reviews in a heartbeat , as i feel it’s got to be backed up with justification of evidence

don’t wish this message to come across as a disrespectful to ur good self

as they say a picture paints a thousand words and will be interesting to see what there like
£250 worth of any work isn't small change is it?
Approx a 1/3 of the original price.

Come on OP lets have some pics

agreed and like all of us just ask for a decent job to be done

also looking forward to seeing them, no point otherwise as it can just be a guessing game,

think there’s enough members here to create a jury , lol
also here , they also posted some pics up of work done , bloody hell that looks shocking

christ almighty i hope it’s not the same company the OP is talking about

if it is the name for shoddy work will get round pretty fast

3. I gave a 10 year guarantee on the vehicle. The guarantee is this: "If you see any rust coming through the coating, bring it back and have it retreated free of charge. With such a rusty vehicle it is bound to need to come back for re-treatment at least once.

I give a five year guarantee. The guarantee is this "If you see any rust coming through the coating within five years bring it back and have it re-treated free of charge."

So, do you have a different deal, warranty structure for different vehicles, in the quoted post above you say 10 Yrs, but in the italic quote from a post in July you say 5 Yrs. Why the difference?

Just for clarity.

I give a five year guarantee. The guarantee is this "If you see any rust coming through the coating within five years bring it back and have it re-treated free of charge."

So, do you have a different deal, warranty structure for different vehicles, in the quoted post above you say 10 Yrs, but in the italic quote from a post in July you say 5 Yrs. Why the difference?

Just for clarity.


who is starting to smell a very big rat sitting in the corner :rolleyes:
@Richie24hr where are you? Give a fair representation of the work carried out so people can either be fairly warned (as you said you wanted to in OP) or make their own informed desicion. It's word against word as it stands.

Although I think it goes without saying, there's some very unscrupulous business going on here

who is starting to smell a very big rat sitting in the corner :rolleyes:

Me! I am! :D
Its a shame I hadn't seen the posts on here previously regarding before n after rust proofing, just had my 2010 hilux done at a cost of £792 and what a mess, vast areas uncovered, complete rear valance, chassis sections internally with nothing on , the list is endless , nothing in the cavities ,tailgate, nothing on the front cross member, nothing behind the arches, hole blasted through the filler pipe at a cost of £140 , 400 mile round trip because I thought it sounded the best, however the ten year guarantee means little, sole trader who is now 66 years old and can't be bothered to do it right first time .loads of abusive emails once I complained . It stands to reason I won't be having my discovery done. The photos are horrendous.
Myself, I'm 44 with a young family, honest hard working man, do 24hr endurance races for charity, this post isn't malicious, I am being honest and letting others know what to expect. This was for us a big investment and a big mistake.
and ?
We don't know you from Adam and that's your first post.. ZERO facts and ridiculous OTT statements...... who cares what you do for charity.....Go to trading standards with your VAST evidence and LOADS of emails you have NOTHING to lose...
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Although I think it goes without saying, there's some very unscrupulous business going on here

At the moment I do not see how you can say that, not from info contained in this post.

As we all know an unhappy customer will go and shout about it to who ever will listen. But a happy customer will often keep quiet.

For me I see no evidence either way at the moment.

That isn't exactly an Intro post, mate.

If you have a problem with a particular company, it might be better to complain to Trading Standards rather than post about it on the internet.

Rust prevention on landrovers is a good thing, but as Neilly says, it is probably best to do it yourself. The owner is more motivated to do a good job than most firms.

And there have been a number of threads on this subject over the years, and most of them have turned into an acrimonious bunfight! ;)

Nice to see this has gone exactly as I predicted! :rolleyes::D
At the moment I do not see how you can say that, not from info contained in this post.

As we all know an unhappy customer will go and shout about it to who ever will listen. But a happy customer will often keep quiet.

For me I see no evidence either way at the moment.


For clarification
I've come to that personal opinion from info gained from other places, and experiences I've had trying to contact the company itself and the experience a colleague had with the company, albeit 12 years ago
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