I'm good at waxing, well, that's what my wife says...

This afternoon I took advantage of the wife being home all day and gave her 1991 Rover 827 SLi a thorough wash and wax. The wash I used was Turtle Wax (I gave it a jet rinse, one wash, then another rinse, another wash, and a final thorough rinse, gave me a good excuse to try out my new Karcher...) and after that decided to give the old girl a wax.

The wax I used was Migliore Primo Carnauba wax and it worked fantastically.

I used to use Dodo Juice wax but the wife didn't like me spending the money I was for it (my motto is if you have it, spend it, but she said it wasn't morally correct to spend £200 on a can of wax.... So she says with a wardrobe full of hand bags, but I've learned over the many years not to start a fight I'd lose!) so I had to down size.

I have to say though it leaves almost as good a finish as Dodo did.

Can any of you here recommend a good car wax ? I think I'm going to keep buying Migliore Primo now but I'm open to suggestions.
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I used to find that the mud at whaddon left my landy looking just the way I like it!
I have never felt the urge to wax my fender to be honest, i likes it with a dull finish.

But i used the auto glym stuff when i had me VW, it was a van so took a little longer than my old mini but it did come up good when done.
Before I Entered the wonderful world of defender ownership I used Harley wax on my cars. Now I just use the standard issue layer of locally acquired mud to protect the paintwork.
Would have to wash the disco before waxing it, so that aint happening soon. There is only one wax and that is Carnauba and lots of elbow.
You can still wash it with a bucket, yes, but I would rather have a dirty car to be honest.

I remember back in the 60s when I had my first car (a 1949 Vauxhall Velox) I used to wash it using a rag and an old rusty bucket. I couldn't afford any car shampoo, so I just used washing up liquid.

That may have been fine when I was a teenager though, but I couldn't live without my pressure washer now, not that I often wash the cars, I normally get the local car valet to do it, but yesterday I was feeling unusually energised and decided to get stuck in.
I use met cos it's easy and you do it wet or dry. But blitz wax for the bike that a canuba wax - wouldn't use it on a landy as it cost a fortune ( make it very shiney though)
I use met cos it's easy and you do it wet or dry. But blitz wax for the bike that a canuba wax - wouldn't use it on a landy as it cost a fortune ( make it very shiney though)
Yes, I see your point. The good thing with expensive wax though, is it normally pays off in the long run.

For example, the local car valet who I use often started out using cheap Car Pride wax, which didn't leave the finish I was hoping for, so I recommended he used a more expensive one, but he said he wasn't making much profit as it was, without spending more on wax.

I understood, and decided to keep getting him for the cars but buy the wax myself.

Since then I haven't had a reason to complain in the 2 years I've been getting him monthly.

I fear I've gotten side tracked...

Where was I - Oh yes, the longevity of the expensive wax.

Well, once it is applied, apart from initially giving a better shine, it also lasts for weeks and repels dirt.

To be honest, I could get away with only getting the cars cleaned every 6 weeks, as when he comes monthly there isn't much dirt to wash off, but I've had that arrangement for years now so don't want to disrupt it. And besides, you can't wash and wax a car too often.
yer you can... i never waxed my disco and i've only washed it once... washed underneath a few more times... ain't done any harm so I'm sticking with that... if i wash it lots it might fall apart!
Hehe, I always used to say that about my old Vauxhall Velox. That damned thing had more rust than paint.

Luckily the car that motivated me to start this thread (wife's 1991 Rover 827 SLi) is in pristine condition so I can wash away 'till my heart is content.
Swissol is good stuff, I think they may have changed their name now after a legal case with Zymol, but it ain't cheap. Poor Boys gives good results as well & is much more reasonably priced (and their SSR1 is good as a pre-cleaner). Both are proper waxes as opposed to polish.

Swissol is good stuff, I think they may have changed their name now after a legal case with Zymol, but it ain't cheap. Poor Boys gives good results as well & is much more reasonably priced (and their SSR1 is good as a pre-cleaner). Both are proper waxes as opposed to polish.

I've never heard of Swissol, but have heard of, and used Zymol.

I used their Creame Wax, which is about 50 Quid a pop, cheaper than what I currently use, but I didn't find it left such a good finish.
edited for accuracy.:D
My wife would agree with you there.

She has a 2001 Land Rover Freelander 2L Diesel but only drives it about 1,000 miles a year (I don't know why we don't just sell it) as she doesn't like it.

I suppose it is a back up if her Rover ever dies, but still.

Actually, I think I'll wait until she goes out for shopping today and I'll drive it to my car lot and put it on sale myself, hehehe.

All that piece of crap is doing just now is taking up space on the drive way that could be filled with my Range Rover....

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