Oh BTW got another Mercedes driver wave at me after I made him reverse 5 yards up a hill to a passing place, I would have had to reverse 200 yards and he appeared a wee bit wound up especially when i started reading my newspaper waiting for him to reverse!:D

errm I'm fairly sure that the vehicle coming downhill has the right of way :confused:

But seeing as it was a Merc ...... I like yer style :cool: :D
sort of makes sense.. never been in that situation with a bike though! just bloody ****e drivers.

im sure they are getting hideously worse.. this week so far i have seen 3 people indicate the complete wrong way! some guy up my arse nearly chewed on my tow ball cos he was up my arse coming up to a junction!

on topic.. yes i wave if waved at, or if its an offroaded or looked after (looks like the driver is interested!). only fenders or series! the odd disco if they wave..
nope - vehicle going uphill has row - coz its easier to start again going downhill, than uphill.

OOps got that one wrong :eek:

Good job I tend to give way in most circumstances, but looks like I need a refresher on me Highwaycode.

So do I have to giveway to twots coming onto a motorway?
Lorries and Tintent pullers I do try n get out of their way but I'm sure they're supposed to merge in to gaps not try and merge wiv me :confused:
I always try and wave at other green ovals, but don't get a return wave :confused: miserable knuts, :( fender drivers seem to look the other way :(.

As for giving way well i do if it's me who should but if some german car driver want's to try it on im afraid biggest wins every time
I always try and wave at other green ovals, but don't get a return wave :confused: miserable knuts, :( fender drivers seem to look the other way :(.

As for giving way well i do if it's me who should but if some german car driver want's to try it on im afraid biggest wins every time

I darent wave at anyone round the city, they may explode with roadrage! (i've tried waving to others in Rovers but it doesn't work in the city)
...... as for giving way, same deal, daren't giveway to anyone, or you'll be sitting in traffic for months!

Worst offenders for 'pushing in' are Taxi's (they would be on a Give Way sign but still try and push in) [I was involved in an accident with a Taxi in this situation and he got booked for failing to give way cos I ran into him when he 'rolled' thru the Give Way sign] not worth giving way to anyone these days , it's every man for himself!!!
I darent wave at anyone round the city, they may explode with roadrage! (i've tried waving to others in Rovers but it doesn't work in the city)
...... as for giving way, same deal, daren't giveway to anyone, or you'll be sitting in traffic for months!

Worst offenders for 'pushing in' are Taxi's (they would be on a Give Way sign but still try and push in) [I was involved in an accident with a Taxi in this situation and he got booked for failing to give way cos I ran into him when he 'rolled' thru the Give Way sign] not worth giving way to anyone these days , it's every man for himself!!!

err which wave do you use though ?

The five finger shuffle and the naked sooty do tend to get folk a little irrate ;)
Used to drive a mini and same thing applies! But then I have heard that its the same for 2CV, VW camper and VW Beetle. Its a mutual respect for choosing the same type of car!
I've just spent the weekend in mid Wales at a friend's house. Most of the cars round there are Land Rovers, as it's a farming area with a lot of hills. They tend not to wave back. The farmer next door to my friend's house acknowledges us with a couple of fingers raised from the steering wheel when he's feeling particularly exuberant, but that's after about six years of seeing him regularly. Back home in the midlands you get a lot more mutual waving, I find.
As a disco 1 driver its (a bit rough around the edges) we like to enjoy its capabilitys and enjoy all things landy.. So when it comes to waving i think first empressions count. Series/Defenders/Discos if they look like there USED/LOVED then i look to wave or look out for a wave.. mrs calls it (LANDY LOVE)
Even when the kids are in it they look out for other landys and have made up there own list

1. Series's respected. = wave
2. Defender (clean) = wave (dirtyer the better) = wave/cheery smile
(towing) ie "working" there words = wave
3. Discos they seem to categorize them (old 1. 2. 3.) dirty/fun/pimped (they have fun in theres.. = wave
clean ones are boring but get a wave

range's get a (posh one dad!)
freelanders get a HAHAH GAYLANDER.
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Something very odd going on round here.........:confused:

Had an unprovoked wave from a bloke in a black seat first thing this morning and another from a bloke in a white van just now..... :eek: :D

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