
New Member
Okay so now I am worried!

About a week ago a travelling folk knocked on my door asking if I wanted my driveway power washed, (no surprise there!) I kindly said thanks but no thanks. He then asked If my TD5 Defender 90 was for sale and that he noticed it is a left hooker, I said again kindly no sorry. Now I don't want to generalize here but I know a lot of Landies have ended up on certain peoples land!

On Sunday morning 27th at around 00:35 I noticed a White new shape, VW or Astra hatchback doing a very slow u turn into my road, not unusual as I live in a cul de sac and my house is the first one on that road, did not think much of it.

Tonight Tuesday 29th at 23:58 I looked out the window as my bed is right next to it, and see the same car or I believe to be just pulling up on the main road in clear view of the Landie! As I was reaching for my phone to record it, the car slowly moved off.

Now I am a suspicious bastard anyway but I am a strong believer that if it feels wrong, it normally is. I always have the Landie blocked in by another car, full lock in gear ect but I am seriously worried this is someone scoping the car out.

So people in the area please be extra vigilant for a White new shape VW or like acting suspiciously!


Are those travelers so stupid that they would knock on the door first? Seems a poor stratagem for a successful thievery franchise.
Are those travelers so stupid that they would knock on the door first? Seems a poor stratagem for a successful thievery franchise.
Yes that is how they work round here, doorbell removed and cctv and a warm friendly manner they don't bother asking at my place
Yup will do Gents.

Exactly my thinking, soon enough they will have a go. Nothing last night but I suppose all they are doing is just waiting for a night that I get home and cant be bothered to box it in. What a pain in the ass.

Why the hell cant Land Rover sort their security systems out??

I would be absolutely devastated if some scum bag nicked it and I never saw it again. :(
Tonight @ 22:12 noticed white long wheelbase van, like a Merc sprinter in exactly the same spot as the previous car. One male looking directly onto my house, slowly moves off before I could get further info. It's not a layby, nor a through road, you cannot see any other house or anything significant from that spot other than my house & Landie.

Again could be nothing but would rather be on the safe side. Will again inform plod tomorow.
I dunno mate. From your profile, I get the feeling it's maybe not your daily driver? If not, I'd be tempted to truss it up like Hannibal Lecter for now and immobilise it so far as is possible (all security measures applied, wheels off, ECU and battery removed and stored elsewhere (not house when you're out) until you get to the bottom of what's going on.

If you are seeing what you say you are, then you should act. Record all reg numbers, vehicle types, dates and times and info you can and feed it to the police.

You just have to make it as difficult as you can. It depends how far they're willing to go.

At the end of the day, it's nothing a gas chamber and a 'can-do' attitude wouldn't fix.
Hey RB thank you for your post & sorry for late reply, madness at work.
It depends on how fare I am driving that day, if it's a long journey I use another car, but yes the Landie during the day is sometimes not blocked in.

Yesterday morning around 06:00 I arrived back from dropping my Mrs off to the airport to find the car unlocked but the immobiliser still flashing away! Now I know with everything going on at the moment I would never leave the car unlocked, I am somewhat OCD & methodical when it comes to locking the Landie up & once it is locked & security measures in place ect I hide the key in a secure location. I had only driven the Landie the afternoon before so I know dam well I locked it.

My question is, could someone have been able to unlock it without the fob? Could they be testing my security? Or is it a common fault with the Defenders that this may happen?

I have not seen anymore cars nor vans in the last few days. Doing all I can to secure it but somthing like leaving the car unlocked I have never done!

Comments appreciated cheers
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My question is, could someone have been able to unlock it without the fob? Could they be testing my security? Or is it a common fault with the Defenders that this may happen?

Fender locks are crap. I got all new barrels but with a little wiggle the old key will open them.
Fender locks are crap. I got all new barrels but with a little wiggle the old key will open them.

I can open my back and passenger door with a 5 pence piece, they are truly ****

I am looking to get new barrels but after what Freddie say maybe different locks:(
id personally move it to to another location if possible (a friends drive). there was a chap around the corner from were i live (birmingham) his defender had all the usual security alarm,imobiliser,steering wheel guard lock etc etc and a lockable security post witch couldn't be driven over. not a problem for the theiving scum they used a recovery truck with a crane and lifted it on the back of a lorry, the neighbours didnt think nothing of it a broken down landrover being lifted on a recovery lorry!!!!! dont wanna get you any more worried but every one needs to the lengths the scum will go to get your pride an joy.
It's a real pain, but just stay disciplined in locking her up no matter how tiresome it becomes. The doorlocks are useless anyway, hardly even qualifying as a line of security - it's your other beefier measures that will hopefully slow them down a bit. You've just got to apply them religiously.

I now feel uncomfortable if I haven't applied all my security measures. If she still gets lifted, then at least I did everything I reasonably could. Sod's law - it'll be the one time you are in a bit of a rush or are knackered and don't bother that'll result in you opening the front door one morning to nothing but a grease stain on the driveway.

I read yesterday in the LRM that the Defender is now officially the most stolen 'car' (not my choice of word) in Britain. Be sure they're out there out there and they're watching you and waiting for a chink of weakness.
It's a real pain, but just stay disciplined in locking her up no matter how tiresome it becomes. The doorlocks are useless anyway, hardly even qualifying as a line of security - it's your other beefier measures that will hopefully slow them down a bit. You've just got to apply them religiously.

I now feel uncomfortable if I haven't applied all my security measures. If she still gets lifted, then at least I did everything I reasonably could. Sod's law - it'll be the one time you are in a bit of a rush or are knackered and don't bother that'll result in you opening the front door one morning to nothing but a grease stain on the driveway.

I read yesterday in the LRM that the Defender is now officially the most stolen 'car' (not my choice of word) in Britain. Be sure they're out there out there and they're watching you and waiting for a chink of weakness.
read that as well they sain 1 in 4 i think the odds are ****ting myself getting my fender in april been looking at these

Vanarack - LAND ROVER DEFENDER DEADLOCKS - Automotive Accessories Dorset


a decent alarm and one of these:violent:
Thanks for those links THEengineer, they all look good to me. Do you know if that SAFE T PEDAL will fit my left hooker?

It is such a pain in the arse, going through the motion every time I want to pop out in her. But I know as BENSON said, that day I don't do it, sods law the f*****s will strike and I will only have my self to blame.

I have no doubt someone unlocked the Landie the other day, perhaps to scope out what security I have.

Next on the agenda is a tracker.....or an old I-phone hidden somewhere!

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