Yer seem to be spending a lot of time int Freelander section. Won't be long before yer see the light and give up welding...
Tratterers are coming in, there coming in, they're coming.
Tratterers are coming in, there coming in, they're coming.
TD4 on their shirt, viscous coupling gleaming.
They have seen the light.

Sorry about that.
The tune is about everywhere, even down 'ere.
Just use my usual tone of language on here, didnt realise id be offending the hairdressers that frequent this forum.
Said the P38 owner. If it makes yer feel bettererer about yer own vehicle and gives yer some time oft from trying to start it... Then enjoy yer time int Freelander section. Yer can give mine a wash if yer want.

Washing a freelanderer ain't a good idea.

Doors might fall 'orf :confused::confused:

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