Good lord, didnt realise owning a freelander was gonna be such a task! ;)
Not only do i need a landrover specialist i need a freelander specialist specialist! :(
lol, you, like the rest of us, will be specialist in no time. They're easy reliable cars to live with and need just simple maintenance. Your one's accumulated a number of problems that need to be sorted to get to that place though.
And if you had read my previous 'disaster movie script' you'd realise that I am neither 'precious about banter' and I am also very grateful for the advice, help and assistance I have had and hopefully will continue to get.
Doubt if she would have found one like yours for 950 quid, though.
Probably not. Although I almost bought an 05 Hard back the other day for £175! However it was an 80K miles K series with a failed HG. I was thinking of fixing and selling on, but I've too many projects on ATM. :(
lol, you, like the rest of us, will be specialist in no time. They're easy reliable cars to live with and need just simple maintenance. Your one's accumulated a number of problems that need to be sorted to get to that place though.
Exactly that GG. More than happy to suck up the accumulated issues and hopefully have a reasonably decent car out of it, as well as the knowledge gained from it.
The way I see it, it was £950, which is peanuts for a car, least of all a landy so if it turns out to be a complete lemon, ill have learned and gained knowledge a lot from it, wasted some money on a hobby (i dont have any other hobbies, unless you include alcohol) and if, more likely when, I have the cash to get something better I'll have only gained from said motor! :)
And if you had read my previous 'disaster movie script' you'd realise that I am neither 'precious about banter' and I am also very grateful for the advice, help and assistance I have had and hopefully will continue to get.
Yet you were being antsy about the tiny bit of banter you were receiving and when people try to tell you it's part of the entrance fee , you are getting antsy again. So I shall say bye bye buttercup, I hope everything works out well in your latest disaster movie, because your attitude will only keep even the most tolerant people around for so long, and then they too will leave you to drown in a sea of gaylander rust and leaked coolant.
giphy (2).gif
Mine was on a mixture or AT tyres and road tyres when I bought mine (before I knew about the problems it could cause) and everything checked out ok in the end just changed two so they matched.I paid 80 quid for a fuel cradle a few weeks back.To fit that and overhaul the rear brakes was £200 that was fit only I supplied the stuff.
More than happy to suck up the accumulated issues and hopefully have a reasonably decent car out of it

Ok so you know you need tyres.
So on to the coolant leak. If it's dripping down the front of the engine, then it's most likely to be the top hose outlet pipe. This is crap plastic that breaks up with age allowing coolant to leak past the seal. It's a common problem with BMW plastics, they are absolute garbage.
Yet you were being antsy about the tiny bit of banter you were receiving and when people try to tell you it's part of the entrance fee , you are getting antsy again. So I shall say bye bye buttercup, I hope everything works out well in your latest disaster movie, because your attitude will only keep even the most tolerant people around for so long, and then they too will leave you to drown in a sea of gaylander rust and leaked coolant.
View attachment 152743
;) see you around toots!
Mine was on a mixture or AT tyres and road tyres when I bought mine (before I knew about the problems it could cause) and everything checked out ok in the end just changed two so they matched.I paid 80 quid for a fuel cradle a few weeks back.To fit that and overhaul the rear brakes was £200 that was fit only I supplied the stuff.

Nice! fingers crossed mine will be the same! :confused:
Why buy a car knowing it has blatantly obvious problem?

That thing has next to no coolant in it.
Said the P38 owner. If it makes yer feel bettererer about yer own vehicle and gives yer some time oft from trying to start it... Then enjoy yer time int Freelander section. Yer can give mine a wash if yer want.

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