I have heard back about the waffles today. We are still on for having them. We are gonna have them in 2 batches of 15 pairs. Anyone that wanted a set but has since got a set or no longer wants em speak now. If you want to cancel your order this is the time to say. I will put up more info as I get it.
thanks for your patience.
price the same? £20 wunt it? if you need to make up an order and are a set short i will go in for 2 sets to make up numbers (if someone pullls out)
price the same? £20 wunt it? if you need to make up an order and are a set short i will go in for 2 sets to make up numbers (if someone pullls out)

I have ordered 30 and actually need 27 so there are a couple of spare sets if you want one of em. I am just waiting for confirmation that they are still £20.
well see who gets back to ya but if people pull out i will have a second set and iff too many pull out i will have a third (i will give them as christmas pressies to me cousins)
yes please, when do you want the beer tokens an how much?

They should still be £20 a pair. I am awaiting confirmation that the price is still the same. I won't start taking money until the first Batch are in Razzles hands. If it looks like many more people are after em or want extra sets I can hopefully get some more.
fookin stilton, thas the nob cheese of hobos you can keep that!!! ihl have bacon n beans wiff mine :D

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