I have been discusssing the waffle boards with the supplier. Unfortunately they messed up with the prices hence not responding for so long. They are going to be £25 a pair instead of the £20 that we were originally promised. Does anyone want to pull out because of this? Please say NOW if you do.
I have heard back about the waffles today. We are still on for having them. We are gonna have them in 2 batches of 15 pairs. Anyone that wanted a set but has since got a set or no longer wants em speak now. If you want to cancel your order this is the time to say. I will put up more info as I get it.
thanks for your patience.

im still in for two sets
How much?

I'm sorry, but there has been so much waffle, (excuse the pun), posted on this thread that i simply cant be arsed to trawl through all the pages again.

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