cnut, bastid, turd head. Leaving em outside.:mad: ;)

Well I spose it's better than pikey. They woulda gone AWOL if he had em.:p

I don't spose you know what the seat covering is called? I wanna get some highbacks to match but as I haven't seen the ones you are 'allegedly' lookin after, I can't buy any yet. I think it's techno????:confused:

I take great offence to the above statement. They would not go AWOL:mad: They just wouldn't look quite the same as the ones you thought, you'd bought..:p
anyway, yu shudnt be smokin - now yu are gonna be a dad:p;)

Am I?:eek: :eek: :eek:

How comes you lot know about it before me?:D

Originally Posted by redhand
He won't be able to afford to smoke once he is a dad!!! :p :p :D :D

Those chips'll have to go as well :eek: :eek: :eek:

Remember the advert? What do you like best daddy or chips?

The answer is CHIPS. ffs:mad: :mad: :mad:

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