I think its actaully asilicon gel shaun.

but a good question non th e less. anyone now exactly what it is. Maybe there's a short term fix if someone knows.

it is
snot a good Q - its an old Q.
No there isnt - its been discussed ad nausiam.

do a search.
I contacted the manufacturers of the silicone fluid, there are two distributors here in the UK.

Haven't priced any yet, but I have a hydragas pump which should displace any of the old fluid. Not sure how I will achieve 84% fill volume lol.
Tiz easy.
1) measure volume and weight of liquid removed.
2) fill empty VCU with an inert liquid.
3) empty inert liquid and measure volume.
2&3 shud give 100% fill. 1 shud give minimum fill.
4) measure by volume 84% of 2&3 and refill. Or measure equivalent weight to 1 and refill. Or weigh empty VCU and add fluid until yu get a weight of empty VCU please the weight equivalent of 84% volume.

How do you reseal it?
If the silicon fluid has gone hard and locked the VCU solid (normal fault ) How are you going to get it out ?
How thick is the body? Plug it and pein it over? Grub screw? braze a patch over the holes?

Tiz a balanced unit, so that might be a problem. How do yu think brazing is going to affect the liquid, or the balance?

Re: viscous coupling
Thread a grease nipple into the hole and fill the unit with silicone using a grease gun.
Dow Corning can supply the fluid: https://www.xiameter.com/en/Pages/LandingPage.aspx

Maybe it was me, but i couldnt see any VCU fluid.
Ha ha ha ha ha ha. . . . . .OK if any you Muppet's manage to refill a vcu can you monitor it and write details of it on this ear forum even if yer ird or rear bit go's tits :D and if you get it correct we can all save a few bob :D :D :D :D

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