I wonder what response I would get if I posted

"Hi people. I'm new to the whole Pug scene so any help is much appreciated. I have good knowledge of cars so know the basics but this has really stumped me. Not sure if you can help. I've just bought a '97 106GTi. Was driving it home Sunday and at about 60/70mph I hit a bump in the road. (nothing too severe) The whole car started to violently shake as if the front wheels didn't have bolts hold them on. Actually thought the wheels were coming off. I immediately slow down and stopped. Couldn't see anything wrong with it so go back in and it drove fine. It did this 5/6 times coming back from Bristol. Every time I hit a bump the shakes came back, slowed to around 50mph and it stopped shaking so I carried on. I sometimes get a shake through the wheel when turning but no where near as bad, more of a wobble. Been told it could be steering rack or track rod ends but not sure. Do you have any ideas what could be causing this. Also when I say violent, I mean it feels like its trying to shake the car to pieces as fast as it can. Don't normally get scared in cars but this is really bad. Sorry for the long message lol
I wonder what response I would get if I posted

"Hi people. I'm new to the whole Pug scene so any help is much appreciated. I have good knowledge of cars so know the basics but this has really stumped me. Not sure if you can help. I've just bought a '97 106GTi. Was driving it home Sunday and at about 60/70mph I hit a bump in the road. (nothing too severe) The whole car started to violently shake as if the front wheels didn't have bolts hold them on. Actually thought the wheels were coming off. I immediately slow down and stopped. Couldn't see anything wrong with it so go back in and it drove fine. It did this 5/6 times coming back from Bristol. Every time I hit a bump the shakes came back, slowed to around 50mph and it stopped shaking so I carried on. I sometimes get a shake through the wheel when turning but no where near as bad, more of a wobble. Been told it could be steering rack or track rod ends but not sure. Do you have any ideas what could be causing this. Also when I say violent, I mean it feels like its trying to shake the car to pieces as fast as it can. Don't normally get scared in cars but this is really bad. Sorry for the long message lol

There is but 1 way to find out;););)

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