you sir are awarded this


I answered your question with my first post, now take yer dummy and stick it somewhere not reet pleasant.

(1)What a bunch of absolute c***s. Like I said I'm new to the 4x4 scene and didn't really know where to start looking. (2)Thought a quick thread on this forum would help me out but turns out its just full of w****rs! (3)As for the comment about growing a pair I'm not to sure what it is you would like to do to them, cup them while sucking me off probably. (4)If anyone who is reading this can delete me from this forum please do so. (5) Simple answer to my question would have been 'yes I know what the problem is but unfortunately it could be the result of several thing such as blah blah (6)instead of leading me to a previous thread where people argue about what the problem is and how its caused and what to do about fixing it' Rant over!! Would like to thank the minority of people that did leave an answer without being a #### about it. Cheers

(1) useful c*nts. mostly.
(2)useful w*nkers. mostly.
(3) get used to it. its how it works.
(4) cant be done.
(5) that's two answers. no one knows the exact answer when theres more than one possibility.
(6) see (3). its called searching for you.

now my offer.
you buy-
a nearside swivel kit
an offside swivel kit
a full set of poly bushes
2 front shocks
2 rear shocks
4 new universal joints
1 rubber donut coupling
2 front springs
2 rear springs
a full set of track rod ends
a recon steering box
a crate of Guinness

and i'll work thru the list until the death wobble disappears.
I get to keep the bits I don't use.
I do it at my place.
offer ends 31.12.13

and for reference, theres 24 cans in a crate.

* just for bb.
Last edited by a moderator:
What a bunch of absolute ****s. Like I said I'm new to the 4x4 scene and didn't really know where to start looking. Thought a quick thread on this forum would help me out but turns out its just full of ****ers! As for the comment about growing a pair I'm not to sure what it is you would like to do to them, cup them while sucking me off probably. If anyone who is reading this can delete me from this forum please do so. Simple answer to my question would have been 'yes I know what the problem is but unfortunately it could be the result of several thing such as blah blah instead of leading me to a previous thread where people argue about what the problem is and how its caused and what to do about fixing it' Rant over!! Would like to thank the minority of people that did leave an answer without being a #### about it. Cheers

:hysterically_laughi:hysterically_laughi:hysterically_laughi:5biagree::5biagree::5biagree::5biamwithstupid::5biamwithstupid::5biamwithstupid: This made I larf :hysterically_laughi You nasty orrible bastids :rolleyes::rolleyes::rolleyes::p
I wish my wife would give straight to the point factual answers to my dilemmas

Its Simple


Yes or NO
now my offer.
you buy-
a nearside swivel kit
an offside swivel kit
a full set of poly bushes
2 front shocks
2 rear shocks
4 new universal joints
1 rubber donut coupling
2 front springs
2 rear springs
a full set of track rod ends
a recon steering box
a crate of Guinness

and i'll work thru the list until the death wobble disappears.
I get to keep the bits I don't use.
I do it at my place.
offer ends 31.12.13

and for reference, theres 24 cans in a crate.

* just for bb.

ya numpty :eek:

ffs! you know its the A frame ball joint. - is that why yu left it orf ya list? :p
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Any of this anything to do with you lot:scratching_chin::scratching_chin::scratching_chin::p:p:p

Is that LZ's stats for the last 40 minutes? :rolleyes:
Damn, missed him, I like people like that, brings out the best in this place, help, advice and moral support for his problem.
then he throws a tantrum cos the response wasnt one of those "oh you just tweak bolt A" answer
and all hell breaks out
then op stomps off muttering under his breath
love it, right wheres me popcorn
I fu##ing love this forum it cracks me up.although it frightens me too.
and for the record I think your all very useful c**ts.

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