I got stumped for nearly 5 minutes when he mentioned the 106 forum.. trying to think if they had ever made a 106" landy... eventually the penny dropped that he was referring to a pug...

Missed the fun did D44 make it to introduce yourself nope!,,


I didn't get as far as an intro on there, just signed up and had a quick poke about but I had to get some work done... tomorrow/later Appn... ;)
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What a bunch of absolute c***s. Like I said I'm new to the 4x4 scene and didn't really know where to start looking. Thought a quick thread on this forum would help me out but turns out its just full of w****rs! As for the comment about growing a pair I'm not to sure what it is you would like to do to them, cup them while sucking me off probably. If anyone who is reading this can delete me from this forum please do so. Simple answer to my question would have been 'yes I know what the problem is but unfortunately it could be the result of several thing such as blah blah instead of leading me to a previous thread where people argue about what the problem is and how its caused and what to do about fixing it' Rant over!! Would like to thank the minority of people that did leave an answer without being a #### about it. Cheers

Firstly ! Just LOL!

And as said theres no definate answer its about checking things
-Wheel bearings
-swivel bearings
-trackrod ends
^^^^^ try there first
-prop ujs are normally just a harsh vibration but not a wobble
if you know about cars like you said you did then treat it as a normal car if its a wobble
Also buy a haynes manual

hope im being a helpfull forum member :p
anything you need just ask
pm me ill even send you my number ring me night or day for any other wobbles you get
I fu##ing love this forum it cracks me up.although it frightens me too.
and for the record I think your all very useful c**ts.

I'm just a c**t... nothing remotely useful about me! Not unless you've got a pile of cakes that need eating... if that's the case, then I'm the man for the job! :D
No more threads for this numpty, I'll bet.

Have you noticed that some folks in this world just don't have the mettle for LZ?

If you can't handle the pressure of the LZ, then certainly the pressure of owning a Landy will crack you like an egg. LandyZone is like boot camp for the coming conflict.

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