Are you on a wind up 'ere?

Paying them for gearbox oil and them actually checking it is another matter!

havent got much choice but to trust the fact that they are doing what they say they are- have to use that garage-only one near me and only one near enough for me to walk to work when its out of action
Thing is it aint just ya engine and gearbox that needs checking., Its ya axles, transfer box ans swivel joints aswell. If they haven't been checked for years they could be bone dry! If i were you i'd stick a post up on here asking for some friedly feller near by to come and gi it a good going over.
A damsel in distress should get plenty of offers;)

Edit- soz 'bout the spelling, i've had a few too many whiskey's.
Thing is it aint just ya engine and gearbox that needs checking., Its ya axles, transfer box ans swivel joints aswell. If they haven't been checked for years they could be bone dry! If i were you i'd stick a post up on here asking for some friedly feller near by to come and gi it a good going over.
A damsel in distress should get plenty of offers;)

Edit- soz 'bout the spelling, i've had a few too many whiskey's.

dont like to put on people- everyone has busy enough lives with work and families and their own vehicles.

Dont mind paying for work done at a garage- so long as they dont rip me off and do what needs doing to keep me going.

Got to trust them and hope theyre honourable and not taking the ****- havent any evidence that they are so... fingers crossed
I work on the principle of distrust every garage, i've known plenty of mechanics in plenty of garages round 'ere and wouldn't trust one of em to do a proper service and thats including main dealers.

Might be worth ya while getting a haynes manual and giving it a read through, ya 'll learn a lot about ya landy and realise how easy it is to do most things on it. Every things pretty much shown in a step by step guide. If ya learn to do it yaself then not only will ya save money but ya'll also know for definate that everythings been done;)
I work on the principle of distrust every garage, i've known plenty of mechanics in plenty of garages round 'ere and wouldn't trust one of em to do a proper service and thats including main dealers.

Might be worth ya while getting a haynes manual and giving it a read through, ya 'll learn a lot about ya landy and realise how easy it is to do most things on it. Every things pretty much shown in a step by step guide. If ya learn to do it yaself then not only will ya save money but ya'll also know for definate that everythings been done;)

there's a lot to be said for knowing your limitations- and i fear that servicing a car may be beyond mine- but could look at the manual to see if its a lost cause or if theres a glimmer of hope
A basic service on a landy is really easy cos theres lots of room in the engine bay and you can crawl under when you need to change the oil.

Ive just ordered a service kit. it takes 2 mins to change the air filter, just open the clips on the housing, chuck old one in bin, new one on, fasten takes longer to type it than do it!!
there's a lot to be said for knowing your limitations- and i fear that servicing a car may be beyond mine- but could look at the manual to see if its a lost cause or if theres a glimmer of hope

Ha, i'm sure there is. There's a strange satisfaction ya get when ya do it for yaself the first time.
will check in the library to see if theyve a manual - dont fancy buying one if it ends up being a waste of time..

many thanks for advice- will try to be a bit more adventurous and break out of the stereotypes. If i get confident in looking after the vehicle maybe will consider playing in it and try laning:)
will check in the library to see if theyve a manual - dont fancy buying one if it ends up being a waste of time..

many thanks for advice- will try to be a bit more adventurous and break out of the stereotypes. If i get confident in looking after the vehicle maybe will consider playing in it and try laning:)

Doubt they will, got mine for a couple of quid off ebay;)
If only the library had free manuals that one could print off at work........


alright smart arse- im still stuck in the " all information comes in a book " generation-:D- didnt think of internet.

will try to print off tomorrow if all's well in the happy world of madness.

Calling it a night - knackered im afraid - many thanks to all for advice from everyone :)
personaly i would say find a river and drive through it as it will help keep the engine cold lol have fun with the dif oil then
both i think any maual for the disco would help
do you know how many diferent sets of air suspention there are on a disco 2 2004

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