think a quick walk around the landy with a mechanic/friend/some one who knows there way round a engine is in order, before any more gearboxes and other things need changing

got friends who can bake a mean cake, friends who give great advice, friends who look after your kids, friends who you can get drunk with, friends who you can slag off exs to -but afraid distinct lack of testicles on any of them appears to result in a lack of any mechanical knowledge too :(
got friends who can bake a mean cake, friends who give great advice, friends who look after your kids, friends who you can get drunk with, friends who you can slag off exs to -but afraid distinct lack of testicles on any of them appears to result in a lack of any mechanical knowledge too :(

SOUNDS LIKE some cash n cake offer required-Sean seem smitten:eek:
shame your too far, i would swap cake for a walk round

thanks- if ever techtonic plates movement move the two counties closer I will take you up on offer-

until then will rely on the technique that ive relied on for last 8 years since ex left....

1)pray alot

2)speak nicely to car at all times and tell her how good she is ,to keep her happy

3) Look pathetic and desperate when taking car into garage

4) drink huge ammounts of wine to dull the pain when forking out for each of the gearboxes and clutches.
Lol...''when re-gassing aircon the operator should'' ..That sounds like its from an article...maybe you just speak posh...oh, bollocks yourself!
thanks- if ever techtonic plates movement move the two counties closer I will take you up on offer-

until then will rely on the technique that ive relied on for last 8 years since ex left....

1)pray alot

2)speak nicely to car at all times and tell her how good she is ,to keep her happy

3) Look pathetic and desperate when taking car into garage

4) drink huge ammounts of wine to dull the pain when forking out for each of the gearboxes and clutches.

it was only the other night you were telling us how good you are at maintenance????:D
it was only the other night you were telling us how good you are at maintenance????:D

fear it may have been the two large glasses of pinot noir that lead to a certain bigging up of my achievements -:D
Check your oil more often...saves forking out for 1.. no 2... no 3 gearboxes...

i pay for something called gearbox oil when i have it serviced - is that the same as ordinary oil-I thought the ordinary oil did something in the engine - isnt that where im pouring it ?
i pay for something called gearbox oil when i have it serviced - is that the same as ordinary oil-I thought the ordinary oil did something in the engine - isnt that where im pouring it ?

Are you on a wind up 'ere?

Paying them for gearbox oil and them actually checking it is another matter!
Check your oil more often...saves forking out for 1.. no 2... no 3 gearboxes...

im not quite that bad- one gearbox came with beast , had to replace that one after 5 years- new one only lasted 18 months, got another and thats been going for two years now:p

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