Excuse my ignorance, but whats difference tween rapeseed/corn/sunflower oil? If any? Been using rapeseed as i was told it had to be that.
the only differance is there cloud point, the point as which the oil goes cloudy.

i think out of the 3 corn is the highest, then rape then sunflower, so in cold weather its best to use sunflower, in warm weather you can use any.
thanks john, always get confused by names, specially when they end in oil, lol :D

With them oils what you need to find out is there
Gell point temp that they start to thicken

And flash point the temp that they put of vapors to burn

Hope this helps

example; gas low flash point , diesel has higher flash point
I spoke to a local Fish shop supplier today, He asked if I wanted Soya Oil, is there any differance?
apart from one is made form soya, the others are made from something different.....

I run mine on 100% bio and as well as a spare filter I would also carry a few bits of fuel return pipe. The braded bits about 4" long that go between the injectors.

Twice now mine have perished from bio I presume in the past year. The last time the back of my Disco was covered in bio and so was the trailer i was towing. I thought the heavy fuel consumption was caused by the trailer as i had used 3/4 of a tank in 150 miles. I got home on less than half after fixing the leak with a bit of PVC pipe from B&Q so it had been leaking quite bad.

I now change mine when i service it every 5000 miles

OH and guess what happened to me today, yeah just replaced mine as well......
Usually the only thing that matters is that rape is the cheapest.

Sunflower oil is a bit dearer, like just a bit cheaper than diesel.

Olive oil is nice on salads and almost twice the price of rape, put a bit of balsamic vinager with it though, on the bloody salad not in your tank.

Long live yellow fields, no not mustard.

i got a petrol disco so i know nothin about oil but cant you just get your hands on the appropriate paperwork needed (or copies of;)) and go to all your local chippies, indian restraunts etc, process it and then use that stuff instead? I think you have to take the debris out then add something to get the water and glycerin out of it or something like that but its usable....?

I heard a bloke round here does it and after everything it costs him about 40p a L
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i got a petrol disco so i know nothin about oil but cant you just get your hands on the appropriate paperwork needed (or copies of;)) and go to all your local chippies, indian restraunts etc, process it and then use that stuff instead? I think you have to take the debris out then add something to get the water and glycerin out of it or something like that but its usable....?

I heard a bloke round here does it and after everything it costs him about 40p a L

Bit more to it than that,but basic idea is correct....and 15p per Lt :D:D
i got a petrol disco so i know nothin about oil but cant you just get your hands on the appropriate paperwork needed (or copies of;)) and go to all your local chippies, indian restraunts etc, process it and then use that stuff instead? I think you have to take the debris out then add something to get the water and glycerin out of it or something like that but its usable....?

I heard a bloke round here does it and after everything it costs him about 40p a L

So what you've roughly hinted at is actually making biodiesel now instead of actually pouring the oil straight into your tank. Which is a whole different kettle of fish (and chips).

You can run used oil in your car providing you de-water it and filter the crap out. I usually go down to 1 micron for our WVO car. You don't have to do a conversion on it.

If you were to convert new oil, you'd still get glycerin. That is caused by a chemical reaction that actually changes oil into diesel ;)

Infact it's a lot more complicated than that! :D
Usually the only thing that matters is that rape is the cheapest.

Sunflower oil is a bit dearer, like just a bit cheaper than diesel.

Olive oil is nice on salads and almost twice the price of rape, put a bit of balsamic vinager with it though, on the bloody salad not in your tank.

Long live yellow fields, no not mustard.


i love olive oil and balsamic on salad, especially wild rocket mmm
long as theres a big fillet or sirloin, with chips next to it!! :D
With them oils what you need to find out is there
Gell point temp that they start to thicken

And flash point the temp that they put of vapors to burn

Hope this helps

example; gas low flash point , diesel has higher flash point

OK here's the flash point of the oils
Canola oil 475

soy oil 460

corn 450

sunflower 440

All numbers are in degree's Fahrenheit. The higher the number the better and cleaner burn, so canola/rape seed same oil is the best for your diesels

I spotted a shelf full of 1ltr bottles of veg oil today in Poundland.

For how much? Yes you got it a £1 a bottle :D
Sainsburys just went back to the normal price for 3lt rapeseed,so its asda again is it?Anyone seen tescos price?
veggie oil is a blend of the left over's burn point in the 380 to 400 very dirty burning.

The veg oil I use is from rapeseed (which you guys call Canola), not sure where you got this idea from? :confused:

Put 20l of veg from Tesco in last week, £20 :) They had it at £6 for a 5ltr bottle or £10 for two, so I got four :)
The veg oil I use is from rapeseed (which you guys call Canola), not sure where you got this idea from? :confused:

Put 20l of veg from Tesco in last week, £20 :) They had it at £6 for a 5ltr bottle or £10 for two, so I got four :)
Rapeseed and canola same seed just different name for same thing. The term veggie oil is generic name, before the food people made them label the source of the oil. Is fish just fish like cod ,carp, trout ,salmon they are all fish .just different characteristics.
Rapeseed and canola same seed just different name for same thing. The term veggie oil is generic name, before the food people made them label the source of the oil. Is fish just fish like cod ,carp, trout ,salmon they are all fish .just different characteristics.

Yeah but what's this about then?

veggie oil is a blend of the left over's burn point in the 380 to 400 very dirty burning.
Here if the label is veggie oil its a blend the other labels will read canola oil or corn oil or soy oil or olive oil
you get the darn picture:D:D:D:D

Mine don't, it says 'VEGETABLE OIL' on the label in big letters, only on the small print does it say "100% Rapeseed Oil" :confused:

You're not making any sense to me John :D:D:p

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