Hi guys, have any of you looked on Fenland Biodiesel Processors website? He is in March (Cambs) thats where I get all my chemicals from and he sells complete processors to, I didn't buy one of his I made my own. Had a 306 which run on bio for 18 months, wife's 406 runs on it, now running Disco on it. Can't remember last time I went and filled up at a garage!!! You just have to keep an eye on your filters as bio will clean out your fuel system and as said it all ends up in the filter.
Dont listen to that Sean character. He specialises in ****ing on peoples chips :D
? Sean backed it up with a research document, fair question if you ask me.

If it's no worse than oil fired heating-then not too bad,but some of the emissions appear worse from what I read briefly.
More importantly -carcinogen levels
? Sean backed it up with a research document, fair question if you ask me.

If it's no worse than oil fired heating-then not too bad,but some of the emissions appear worse from what I read briefly.
More importantly -carcinogen levels

am sure some bods have looked into the emissions given off from most types of oil/gas fired boilers etc - and if there'd have been much to worry about am sure we'd have all heard

it does bother me when peeps just assume it's safe to throw anything on/in the fire with zero consideration to those downwind of the fire gasses

not wanting to **** on anyones chips Danny, it might be you or one of your sprogs that might have been getting a lung full
? Sean backed it up with a research document, fair question if you ask me.

If it's no worse than oil fired heating-then not too bad,but some of the emissions appear worse from what I read briefly.
More importantly -carcinogen levels

i just skimmed over it anorl.. but it dont sound too good to me :confused::(
Right then , Went out this morning and it started no problem just took a bit more cranking. I kept the revs low and it didn,t stall in usual place:) It drove fine after that. Will see how it goes at this mix and maybe increase the oil content when its a bit warmer. Last night was mild here so will get a test if we get more frost.
In the weather we're getting at the moment a cold start means I don't touch the throttle at all when starting, let the glow plugs warm up, clutch in and turn on.

If we get a hard frost I run the GP's through twice, then clutch in, full throttle foot planted, and start up.

Works well whatever amount of veg oil I have in .. ;)
In the weather we're getting at the moment a cold start means I don't touch the throttle at all when starting, let the glow plugs warm up, clutch in and turn on.

If we get a hard frost I run the GP's through twice, then clutch in, full throttle foot planted, and start up.

Works well whatever amount of veg oil I have in .. ;)
Cheers Paul, mines auto so usualy I dont touch throttle whatever the weather and it starts instantly[ as long as battery is good] Just run GP's once. With the veggie oil I used same approach ,it just takes about five seconds cranking before it starts. Stalled again on me this morning :mad: But got it started and it was ok after that.
In the weather we're getting at the moment a cold start means I don't touch the throttle at all when starting, let the glow plugs warm up, clutch in and turn on.

If we get a hard frost I run the GP's through twice, then clutch in, full throttle foot planted, and start up.

Works well whatever amount of veg oil I have in .. ;)

Same here nice n easy, did have an issue but was down to crappy leak off pipes! Have been running 100% until my lil end failled, but that im dam sure is down to way to much boost and overfuelling :doh: have not wound the fuel up on the new engine yet;) Am running at approx 70% oil and no probs with anything! have got the head off the old engine with no signs of anything nasty going on, just waiting to get in the bottom end and see what i find regarding gumming:rolleyes:

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