When I process veg oil into biodiesel-all the additives end up in the glycerine byproduct and are not transferred to the final fuel.
When I process veg oil into biodiesel-all the additives end up in the glycerine byproduct and are not transferred to the final fuel.

do you produce bio soley for personal use or for commercial gain too?
Purely for personal use-I am lucky if I can get around 120 lts of used oil a month-which yields around 110 lts bio-15lts for the wifes 106 and the rest for the Disco-Which adds up to about half my duty free limit.The problem is trying to source used oil-it is so competitive-admittedly I get it free,but it still takes my time to make it into quality fuel-The 106 has not been to a forecourt for 3 yrs-and the disco last had derv in it last august when I bought it.How much is derv?
Purely for personal use-I am lucky if I can get around 120 lts of used oil a month-which yields around 110 lts bio-15lts for the wifes 106 and the rest for the Disco-Which adds up to about half my duty free limit.The problem is trying to source used oil-it is so competitive-admittedly I get it free,but it still takes my time to make it into quality fuel-The 106 has not been to a forecourt for 3 yrs-and the disco last had derv in it last august when I bought it.How much is derv?

£1.16-£1.20 around here.

I can get my hands on 25-50 litres of wvo a week but just haven't got the time to do anything with it.
I was making my own bio from wvo until a little misshap and my shed, back of my garage , three conservatories and two fences and various bits ov garden furniture went up in a very big bang, now i just run straight filtered wvo in the summer an add a few liters of petrol now and again to thin it down when cold. apart from cranking over three or four times more than usual on the morning and the smell the car runs better. if you are going to use wvo or new oil from the supermarket keep a diary and any reciept if you pay for your oil and the vosa cant touch you up to 2500lts a year. its up to them to prove any different to what you show them and really they are after the Transit boys on red.
curious as to what caused the fire?were you mixing using an electric(sparking )drill or was your heater not covered in oil-were you in attendance when this happened?just looking for tips to avoid something similar ,although ok for 3 yrs so far
£1.16-£1.20 around here.

I can get my hands on 25-50 litres of wvo a week but just haven't got the time to do anything with it.

If you could set up a 55 gal drum with an immersion heater in it,and a drain tap,you could heat your oil to 55-60c,let it settle,drain off water and then filter the oil thru a 5 micron sock filter-jeans leg tied off first would be better-then it is ready to go in the bus.
If you were nearer,I would swap it for bio,at 2:1,your oil to bio
If you could set up a 55 gal drum with an immersion heater in it,and a drain tap,you could heat your oil to 55-60c,let it settle,drain off water and then filter the oil thru a 5 micron sock filter-jeans leg tied off first would be better-then it is ready to go in the bus.
If you were nearer,I would swap it for bio,at 2:1,your oil to bio

what are you adding to the filtered oil that is turning it into "bio" ?
it was a full propper rig out, sealed motor the real deal. i had just switched everything off to settle and went for a cuppa. dont no what caused the spark but it could only be the fumes of the costic soda and methanol mix that made the big bang. i was only making 100ltr mix and had been doing it for nearly 2 years, after seing the damage it does when it goes wrong i would say keep away, its not worth your life or some one elses ! but saying that my disco used to go like **** off a stick.
what are you adding to the filtered oil that is turning it into "bio" ?

You stew the oil up with methoxide which is a mix of caustic soda or potash with methyl alcohol(nasty and very poisonous)-the actual process converts the veg oil (waste or new) into fatty acid methyl esters (f.a.m.e.
for short) in doing so you strip the glycerine backbone out of the oil,and this is your byproduct.The resultant fuel is very low viscosity compared to the parent oil-very similar to derv.
Cetane value of bio is about 10 higher than derv-it is a better lubricant than derv-it is a very good injector cleaner and solvent(loosens all the **** in your tank and lines and dumps in your filter initially),but only contains 80% energy of summer derv-so some notice a slight drop in mpg-others say they get more
You stew the oil up with methoxide which is a mix of caustic soda or potash with methyl alcohol(nasty and very poisonous)-the actual process converts the veg oil (waste or new) into fatty acid methyl esters (f.a.m.e.
for short) in doing so you strip the glycerine backbone out of the oil,and this is your byproduct.The resultant fuel is very low viscosity compared to the parent oil-very similar to derv.
Cetane value of bio is about 10 higher than derv-it is a better lubricant than derv-it is a very good injector cleaner and solvent(loosens all the **** in your tank and lines and dumps in your filter initially),but only contains 80% energy of summer derv-so some notice a slight drop in mpg-others say they get more

sounds complicated - what advantages are there doing the above over forcing WVO through a series of filters and pouring the output straight into the tank ?

which is what i was doing for 20km worth of oil a couple of years ago
if you are not gona do it right and add methanol n costic to clean the oil dont heat it up or you only thin the fatty oils in it and it will clogg up again when it cools back down just filter through a 1 micron filter and add a bit petrol ain your tank to thin it down,
neutralise's acids by converting. I still think svo and modified injector pressures the best way
sounds complicated - what advantages are there doing the above over forcing WVO through a series of filters and pouring the output straight into the tank ?

which is what i was doing for 20km worth of oil a couple of years ago

Running veg only can lead to ring gumming (seems to be able to be cured with water injection)Also there is a school of thought that long term use of veg can cause issue with carbonising of valves injectors etc as the glycerine is still present in the oil and is slow to combust-the actual oil itself is quite thick and without twin tanking or heat exchangers,you are putting extra load on your fuel pumps,but to be fair Landies seem very tolerant of this,compared to other vehicles.Bio can be run in almost any diesel engine-veg you have to be more selective,for example lucas i/p pumps,will fail quickly on veg.
Running veg only can lead to ring gumming (seems to be able to be cured with water injection)Also there is a school of thought that long term use of veg can cause issue with carbonising of valves injectors etc as the glycerine is still present in the oil and is slow to combust-the actual oil itself is quite thick and without twin tanking or heat exchangers,you are putting extra load on your fuel pumps,but to be fair Landies seem very tolerant of this,compared to other vehicles.Bio can be run in almost any diesel engine-veg you have to be more selective,for example lucas i/p pumps,will fail quickly on veg.

have you physically seen any of the issues you mention, that are proven to have occurred as a result of using filtered WVO or SVO ?
Biolandy knows a stuff but after seeing the big bang i nknow what i am talking about 2, The difference between force filtered oil and bio diesel is like black and white and if i could aford to set up again i would but not at my home.
search journeytoforever on google-they have been doing it for years

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