
New Member
Does anybody know if the VCU is repairable, there are several threads here on different elements such as the torque test ect. But I was wondering if there is has anybody actually tried and succeeded or failed in repairing one. I know land rover made it a sealed unit. But hey I can't believe that nobody has pulled one apart.:rolleyes:
re-conditioners drill a hole in them, flush then re-fill with viscous fluid.

i have tried to find out what they use but came up with a blank.
Certainly not smarter.

Sorry - you gorra Gaylander :eek:.

I know we all make mistakes, but some of us learn from our mistakes :)
smarter than the average bear ;)

mine works, no problem...could've been worse i could've got one of them god awful v6 things :)
OK FFS I was only asking remembering that f***ng Land Rover are not super heroes ITS a piece of F***g metal chill out 4 F sakes :):):):):):):):):):):)

Hey there Celt. Its a horrible thing, we all hate it but its how LR decided to join the props together to make 4WD. If its fecked (and its usually not far away from fecked) you have to throw it away and buy a new un:)

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