It looks like you can buy the rubber bushing separately. Just need to walk back to where it happened and look for the bolt....
It looks like you can buy the rubber bushing separately. Just need to walk back to where it happened and look for the bolt....
But it sits inside a slot in the subframe, so the bush can't come out. There's something amiss here, as it doesn't look like the tie bar is in the correct place in the subframe.
But it sits inside a slot in the subframe, so the bush can't come out. There's something amiss here, as it doesn't look like the tie bar is in the correct place in the subframe.
I don't know how it's supposed to be , but it looks like the bolt has come out, and the rubber, and one end has dropped down and is now rubbing on the driveshaft cup, of course there is the possibility that the garage didn't put it back together right when they fitted the IRD ? I am guessing it popped out of the slot when I pulled away quickly
Should look like this.

Looked again. Looks like large end is in small end and small end is in large end fixing. Check the correct photo against your car.
I don't think that is possible - big end won't fit in little end bracket.

I'm trying to get my head around the pics, I keep thinking the tie rod is bolted to the engine not the IRD bracket. Pics can be confusing.
I dunno how it's supposed to be, but the big end is at the back and the small , end in the bracket at the front, I bloody hope it's not the wrong way round , as I've been underneath the car all day. I got it off easy enough and discovered the bushing at the small end was absolutely falling apart, my neighbour happened to have a huge selection of bushings, I found one the right diameter but had to drill out the center to fit the metal tube. All that was easy, it then took me another 4 hours to get the rear bolt in its hole due to the bolt having distorted the hole when it came out, it just wasn't lining up with the threaded part on the other side. Eventually I whacked the tie bar with a hammer and finally got it in. Getting the front (small end ) bolt in was nearly as bad, I had to put a jack under the rear of the engine to rotate it into place, I got it just as it was getting dark. I suspect that the garage undid the rear bolt and forgot to tighten it up properly, I don't expect they'd admit it so I am not going to bother going there for the argument. Anyway, I test drove the car and it seems fine for now with my home made bushing,I will order a new tie bar , as soon as I can but they are surprisingly expensive and the lead time is at least a couple of weeks , meanwhile, at least I am mobile. Thanks for all the help , and your patience...
I don't think that is possible - big end won't fit in little end bracket.

I'm trying to get my head around the pics, I keep thinking the tie rod is bolted to the engine not the IRD bracket. Pics can be confusing.
I think you're right , I'm sure I tried both ways
But it sits inside a slot in the subframe, so the bush can't come out. There's something amiss here, as it doesn't look like the tie bar is in the correct place in the subframe.
Can't come out unless the garage doesn't tighten the bolt up.....

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