Does anybody know if the VCU is repairable, there are several threads here on different elements such as the torque test ect. But I was wondering if there is has anybody actually tried and succeeded or failed in repairing one. I know land rover made it a sealed unit. But hey I can't believe that nobody has pulled one apart.:rolleyes:
Heres some info about em ...deleted.
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why the feck dont peeps read what is in our FAQ section.....:mad:.....

A lot of us have put a lot of time and effort into studying the VCU and other associated problems and most of the info is readily available on THIS site.

The only peeps that we normally recomend is Bell for VCU replacement/Repairs - Austen is a well known and trusted member on this site and has been found to be exceptionally helpful (even if we dont always agree).
why the feck dont peeps read what is in our FAQ section.....:mad:.....

A lot of us have put a lot of time and effort into studying the VCU and other associated problems and most of the info is readily available on THIS site.

The only peeps that we normally recomend is Bell for VCU replacement/Repairs - Austen is a well known and trusted member on this site and has been found to be exceptionally helpful (even if we dont always agree).
Point taken I going to get shouted at now ? :crutch:
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But, hopefully, you can understand our frustration when a few on here have put in years of research and discussion - and then someone comes on and says "look at this other site......"
why the feck dont peeps read what is in our FAQ section.....:mad:.....

A lot of us have put a lot of time and effort into studying the VCU and other associated problems and most of the info is readily available on THIS site.

The only peeps that we normally recomend is Bell for VCU replacement/Repairs - Austen is a well known and trusted member on this site and has been found to be exceptionally helpful (even if we dont always agree).

Hi thank's for your time, sorry if I sounded unappreciative of the advice that was not my intention. But I had looked at several sections of this site and was just asking a question:crutch::crutch::car:
So what does a vcu do?????:D
Wrecks yer transmisson on a bad day. On a good day it detects the difference in rotational speed of the props shafts connected to it and if the difference is above a certain amount, it allows more drive to the rear wheels. ;)
it is supposed to connect the front and rear drive train when required under conditions of imperfect traction. it works on the difference in rotational speed of the front and rear halves of the propshaft. Unfortunately it is a simple system, with no feedback controls, so when it fails, there is no warning until something else breaks :(.
Jonaf, From Norway, has been testing different fluids in his VCU's so it looks like the VCU fluid can be changed. Hopefully he will come here to tell us all how it's done.
We know it can be changed.
The problem always has been the fluid was only available in huge quantities, and the amount required in each VCU was very precise, as the air to fluid ratio was supposed to be critical, thereby making it un-reasonable for the average user to attempt it.
I didn't say that he didn't, just that it has been tried before. Unless he has a source of small amounts of the fluid and can state precise quantities, it will be beyond the scope if the average owner.
I didn't say that he didn't, just that it has been tried before. Unless he has a source of small amounts of the fluid and can state precise quantities, it will be beyond the scope if the average owner.

I know what your saying. But in all fairness to Jonaf, he seems to know what he's on about. Hopefully he'll come in here and tell us more on what he's been doing regarding the VCU testing.

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