Sorry still being dim (weapon systems I can fix, gearboxes are much more complicated!) The gears, unless the teeth are broken surely cannot slip. The fluid clutch must slip as a design feature, otherwise the vehicle would stall at idle.

I am no expert, but i dont think that the jatco box has a clutch , it has a torque converter. so i dont think its the gears that slip, but someting to do with the torque converter.I might be wrong:confused:
i am not going to panic ,i will see what happens when i change the oil,by the way, the oil was 40pounds for 4 litres. rik if your reading this dont panic ,maybe check the level in the box, topping up may cure the problem? nothing to lose!!!
thats for the advice. i have been reading many threads on this subject, posted by you, ming, mondo and clucthdust. i must say you have all help me understand my car a bit more and i dont think i will give up on her now!!!
Rikki said:
Sorry still being dim (weapon systems I can fix, gearboxes are much more complicated!) /quote]Um thinks weapons systems, , ,OK Rick yes the torque converter allows g/box to not drive at tickover, think of central fugal force, at low tickover its [in ],rev it up it goes out [drive] so ya start moving, ems say i,m at this many revs ,this torque and this many mph,tell gearbox time ta shift to next gear but in between fluid drive ta slip to next gear ect, gearbox tell ems job done ,ready for next be it +or-, basic i know bit more than that but, because all this needs a good hydraulic oil function if say oil is low, or even degraded could degrade the slippin action or grippin action for a smooth auto box, so always check oil first,and best oh luck, , ,:)
Hey Minge

Maybe we cud use Ricki to devise defence systems for the pub?

erm - maybe payment in beans?

arternoon by the way ;)
The Mad Hat Man said:
Hey Minge

Maybe we cud use Ricki to devise defence systems for the pub?

erm - maybe payment in beans?

arternoon by the way ;)
Aye up flop, er no need mrs ming has it all in hand,she's dyin ta use the zap gun on an earthling, , ,gulp. . . . .:)
Well just a update if anybodys reading, I changed gearbox oil - NO GOOD!!!!!
I took the car to a garage my friend owns, (he is not a freelander expert, but has diagnostic gear) and several faults appeared, as follows-
p0740- lock-up clutch solenoid
p1605- A/T ecu eeprom error
p0734- Gear 3 incorrect ratio
p0734- Gear 4 ---"---"---"---
p0735- Gear 5 ---"---"---"---

My friend is not sure if all faults are being caused by ecu or if there is problems with internals of the box and a problem with ecu!!
Does anyone have a spare ecu for the auto box ?(i have been told it is seperate from the other main ecu)

Anybody have any ideas??? i am desperate i cannot afford a replacment box, as i am buying a new house and it is taking every bit of ,little, money i have!

Any advice welcomed!!
Hi Troy
Sorry I cant help - but I am intrigued by P0734/5 faults - "incorrect Ratio" - not sure i understand how this can occur - but I am someone on here does. ;)
Good evening ,thanks for the replie.
I dont understand either, but the fault codes corresponding to 3rd, 4th and 5th gear arent a suprise , because it is only these gears that are affected. What was strange was that when i picked up car this afternoon it drove okay for a couple of minutes and definately did not slip in 3rd gear, but when i slowed down the box dropped to 2nd okay,but when i sped up, it engaged 3rd but started slipping again!! What do you think? maybe not internal fault , just electronic?? GLIMMER OF HOPE ? OR DILUSION?
Sound like yer ecu on gearbox is shot, the eprom fault is the give away ,its gone ta default mode but not talkin proper to the ems, ,after a re fit it should clear it,otherwise its back on diagnostics. . . .best oh luck. . .:)
troy said:
thanks ming, i have seen new ecu's for the jatco box for 75pounds, does this sound cheap
Afore ya go chuckin money at this one,get a proper lr diagnostics, they will be able to tell you what the problem is,if it is the electronic bit on ya gear box[and by wot yer have said thus far,fair bet thats ya problem],you can diy it ,and save dosh . . .best oh luck. . .:) :) :)
thanks for the reply ming,
i have spoke to lr and explained fault codes, but they said they cannot soley test the EAT ECU. and rather than spend £80 plus vat for diagnostics, i think i will just get hold of a eat ecu and try that.

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