kv6 Freelander cooling system:


coolingv6 cgqcYv2

Have a look at the tank to see if it's cracked:


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lpg only gives out 2 thirds of the mpg of petrol. and will cost about £2000

What complete rubbish!

I've been running a Saab Turbo on LPG and I can tell you that it still goes like a demented clockwork toy on gas - no discernable difference in performance. ...and as for fuel consumption:

325miles from
60 Ltrs UL
5.4 Miles/Ltr

...and(smaller tank so cannot do like for like)

230 miles from
44 Ltrs LPG
5.2 Miles/Ltr

Say a 5% difference. But remember, the cheapest LPG is half the price of the dearer UL stations.
nice expansion tank Hippo. Is that by chance a 'low coolant warning sensor' inserted into the tank?

If so I'd like to know what make/model as I want to do the same (you're an inspiration!;) )

btw soz for changing the subject :behindsofa:
yup - it is the later bottle with low coolant sensor. if yu search on here the part number is mentioned - I think Anguslives tome had it in it.
Yep. MHM's idea, which I copied. Got mine from rapid electronics. Goes up to 110 degrees C.

Rapid Electronics - Electronic Components

Comes with an extra metal washer which others don't have. I'm going to put one end on the earth, and the other (via a resistor to control the brightness, and a 100mA inline fuse for protection) to an LED in the dash, then other end of LED to 12v power off the dash fuse box. Not got round to wiring it up yet, but was reminded to do it recently when a van I was driving ****ed 6L of water and broke down. If that has been me hippo, would have been a (not so) good test.



levelsensor2 JeUvSL0

Keep in the boot a temp fix - bolt + 2 drilled tap washers - incase the switch snaps off. Mine did.


levelsensorfix pYRTll1


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in fact - find me a petrol gaylander thats done 89K miles without HGF........

Sorry for reviving an old thread. My 3 door V6 is only on 63k miles and no HGF yet. It has recently had the coolant pipes in the V replaced (which I think has a lower temp thermostat . . . meaning the cabin heater is now a bit rubbish compared to the original).

If it gets to 89k, I'll let you know:D. I hope the only reason I don't see it get to that is because I've stumped up for a Disco 4 (unlikely -I'm far too tight)

As an aside, the MGZS180 mentioned earlier in the thread managed to get to 110k miles before being benched (should have just sold it) in 2011ish for another Subaru. It was revived with another cambelt(s) change in 2015 as the Subaru had gone but pressed back in to service in 2017 until I bought yet another Subaru. I do like a KV6 (and a Subaru)

The LPG kit was removed due to aluminium corrosion on the LPG vaporiser when getting it ready for use in 2017.

Sorry - more MG and LPG than LR stuff there!

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