Also think of the way the criminal justice system works these days and you as a "responsible citizen " will probably do time for stopping a thief from plying his trade.

You do realise by saying that, and having that view you empower the criminal to come in and take from you.

It's that reason the thieves are running around with impunity. Fear, as they say, is the mind killer. If someone fears the law.

You wouldn't do time unless you shoot and kill/maim the fckwits like the farm shotgun-man did.

If they see you're willing to teach them a lesson they'll run away. A car criminals first desire is to flee upon being detected and threatened.

In fact if everyone had a more 'aggressive' stance against the criminals this would actually empower the citizen as opposed the criminal and bring
The media outcry would be on the side of the law-abiding.
Not the criminal. Remember that.

Trackers are a nice-to-have if you don't mind shovelling perpetual money to a corporation.
They are also not foolproof either.
Ok, this is how the Law stands:

You can use "reasonable force" to defend yourself, another and your property. You may also use "necessary force" to detain a person that you know to have committed an arrestable offence.

The definitions of the phrases "resonable" and "necessary" are where the problems occur and where most people fall foul when explaining their actions to a police officer/court.

You are allowed to defend yourself against a percieved threat. The level of force that you use has to be reasonable in relation to the threat you honestly percieved.

In defence of property the level of force that you would be justified in using would arguably the amount required to ensure your property is safe.

Now, if you do hit someone, make sure you exercise your civil right to detain them until the police arrive. Necessary force to detain can usually be quite a bit more than that you would use to defend yourself.

To ensure that you stay on the right side of the law, explain to the first officer on the scene that you were assaulted, Assult isn't being hit!!!! You have been assaulted if you fear immediate physical violence, that then gives you the right to defend yourself!!!! Then explain the scrote was trying to nick your pride and joy, defence of property! and the resonable belief that the person had committed an arrestable offence (Attempted theft!) and that you detained him until the police arrived....but he struggled so your had to use force to subdue him and to keep yourself safe.

Thanks for that John.
Oh how the criminals have a happy time with their 'human rights' being worshipped on high by the liberal fools!
Originally Posted by Rhinohide
Also think of the way the criminal justice system works these days and you as a "responsible citizen " will probably do time for stopping a thief from plying his trade.
You do realise by saying that, and having that view you empower the criminal to come in and take from you.

It's that reason the thieves are running around with impunity. Fear, as they say, is the mind killer. If someone fears the law.

You wouldn't do time unless you shoot and kill/maim the fckwits like the farm shotgun-man did.

If they see you're willing to teach them a lesson they'll run away. A car criminals first desire is to flee upon being detected and threatened.

In fact if everyone had a more 'aggressive' stance against the criminals this would actually empower the citizen as opposed the criminal and bring
The media outcry would be on the side of the law-abiding.
Not the criminal. Remember that.

Trackers are a nice-to-have if you don't mind shovelling perpetual money to a corporation.
They are also not foolproof either.

Buzzland, please be assured that I was not advicating submission or empowering criminals. I was being [ or trying to be] sarcastic in that the scroats would feel badly done to if you stopped them "earning a living" etc like normal people who work for a living.

Personally I prefer the small fly fishing hooks to stitch their inner lips together before using octopus #8 hooks in the cheeks. There are a few further modifications involving tie wraps and string but I can't mention them,lol...... The only problem would be that I might not be able describe this as reasonable force............ not that I'm advocating vioence of course,lol.

As for the tracker idea it was just that... an idea that might be applicable to some.
You wouldn't do time unless you shoot and kill/maim the fckwits like the farm shotgun-man did.

And he was only prosecuted because, they were fleeing the scene when he blew holes in their backs.

Unfortunately as stated the law allows the use reasonable force to defend yourself. Once the criminal is fleeing the scene any use of force is going to be deemed as unreasonable.
And he was only prosecuted because, they were fleeing the scene when he blew holes in their backs.

Unfortunately as stated the law allows the use reasonable force to defend yourself. Once the criminal is fleeing the scene any use of force is going to be deemed as unreasonable.

Yep what you have to do is loop round in front of em so they is running towards you. then its self defence;)
Someone asked me if I'd do a swap for a 7series Beemer full leather aorcon etc even got a fooking stopwatch ffs

Told him I wunt drive a beemer if he paid me too :D

fookin cheeky bastid :mad::mad::mad:

you want a 525 tourer

mrs said (for the first time ever ) slow down ! was only doing 55 !

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