I find this forum really useful but find it quite sad at how unwelcoming it is to less frequent users from the more regular vocal posters.

Ive now owned Landy's for about four years and share a love hate relationship with them but I ant really see me owning anything else whilst my lifestyle is as it currently is. I'm a fabricator welder but know little about cars and so find forums like these incredibly useful for learning how to have a go at mods and maintenance. I never understand why a few gob****es feel the need to barrack people like me that simply want to learn.

I've been a member on here a while now so understand the frustration at the same tyre questions rearing their frequent heads but is there a need to stick the boot in to newer members simply seeking a welcome into our addictive world of Landrover ownership?

I see some terrible attempts at fabrication on here but would never criticise an individual for their poor ability. What does it gain? Other than to **** people off?


Well said Bede, I do think that some people are very thin skinned and easily offended but I also believe this site is a bit spoiled by keyboard bullies who get their kicks from virtual intimidation (probably because they where picked on as children).
It's worth ignoring the idiots to be able to learn from the good peopl who frequent this forum.

I've been here longer than a fair few of the major posters here, I struggle to post anything as the shear **** that dribbles out of some peoples keyboards are unreal.

As for the rules I would like to think that attacking members is up there?

Is it to hard to think that we all started somewhere?

Personally I think a few of the keyboard warriors here need to pull there head out there arse :boom:

After you don't have to open the ####ing thread never mind reply with such **** and dribble!
Wait until you've seen the same q's asked over and over again.

Not condoning the hounding but it's gets to be a real drag after a while and a drain on collective resources.
it's the sheer fooking laziness and the someone tell me what I want to know, cause I don't see any reason to look for myself, attitude that boils my ****. :mad:
LOL I signed up in Oct 2010 I've seen alot, but do I feel the need to open the thread just so I can increase my post count?

No if I have nothing to add I don't post, quite a few here could learn from that.

Being part of forum staff on many forums I'd have banned the consistent offenders.

With out new blood coming in the forum goes stale and with just dribble it turns to a chat room, with little in the terms of structure.
I've been here longer than a fair few of the major posters here, I struggle to post anything as the shear **** that dribbles out of some peoples keyboards are unreal.

As for the rules I would like to think that attacking members is up there?

Is it to hard to think that we all started somewhere?

Personally I think a few of the keyboard warriors here need to pull there head out there arse :boom:

After you don't have to open the ####ing thread never mind reply with such **** and dribble!

And exactly how useful and informative would this forum be if we were all like you with your 0.03 posts per day?

It's a damn good forum, I like to think it's the best but it doesn't work for everyone :rolleyes:
it's the sheer fooking laziness and the someone tell me what I want to know, cause I don't see any reason to look for myself, attitude that boils my ****. :mad:

Don't open the thread, it will drop of the board soon enough.

Or someone will come along and offer them help, I understand where your coming from with it, try being staff on a site that is designed for cars that 17 year olds have, you wouldn't believe some of the crap posted, luckily facebook has take its part and cleared a fair bit up.
LOL I signed up in Oct 2010 I've seen alot, but do I feel the need to open the thread just so I can increase my post count?

No if I have nothing to add I don't post, quite a few here could learn from that.

Being part of forum staff on many forums I'd have banned the consistent offenders.

With out new blood coming in the forum goes stale and with just dribble it turns to a chat room, with little in the terms of structure.

and I'll bet the total membership of all the forums you belong too don't even come close to the membership on here. nor probably even come close to the 1500 visitors we've had oin the past 24hrs.

For a ****e stale unfriendly forum We seem to have an awful lots of posts and members on a daily visit.
LOL I signed up in Oct 2010 I've seen alot, but do I feel the need to open the thread just so I can increase my post count?

No if I have nothing to add I don't post, quite a few here could learn from that.

Being part of forum staff on many forums I'd have banned the consistent offenders.

With out new blood coming in the forum goes stale and with just dribble it turns to a chat room, with little in the terms of structure.

Now you're starting to **** me off :mad:

You'll get better and faster replies to any LR related question here than anywhere else on the web for the exact reason that it is not stale, boring drivel over-modded by uptight ****ers :boxing:
And exactly how useful and informative would this forum be if we were all like you with your 0.03 posts per day?

It's a damn good forum, I like to think it's the best but it doesn't work for everyone :rolleyes:

Sorry I didn't get 10k of posts from abusing people asking common information.

I don't doubt its a good forum with a wealth of information, but peoples attitude here does leave a little to be desired at times.
Sorry I didn't get 10k of posts from abusing people asking common information.

I don't doubt its a good forum with a wealth of information, but peoples attitude here does leave a little to be desired at times.

It's true but you're welcome to pay the occasional visit anyway :p:rolleyes:
Now you're starting to **** me off :mad:

You'll get better and faster replies to any LR related question here than anywhere else on the web for the exact reason that it is not stale, boring drivel over-modded by uptight ****ers :boxing:


You might get faster replies, but lets be honest you don't need to open a thread, you don't need to type abuse.

Why waste your own time even opening the thread then wasting more giving abuse?

You might get faster replies, but lets be honest you don't need to open a thread, you don't need to type abuse.

Why waste your own time even opening the thread then wasting more giving abuse?

How much abuse have I typed in this thread? I better qualify that with a ''so far''........just because things can change quite quickly around here :D
I'm a relative newbie on the site too, I've had the rise taken outta me too, well they tried, but when they thought I'd swallowed it hook line and sinker, I didn't spit my dummy out, I just spat the hook out and took it in good part. After all, I had read the stickies (apologies to the more senior members for doing that), I'd had a good look at many of the threads and I saw the way that some people were getting flamed, usually for asking questions without doing a search on the site first or filling in their first introduction post with demands for advice.

I knew what I was taking on when I joined the site!

There seems to me to be just three types of members here:
  1. Those who will answer questions for as long as they're asked; they've got the patience of Job; not many of them though, but they do contribute.
  2. Those who will answer questions freely but like most of us get a bit fed up with answering the same thing week in, week out, but they too contribute, and have some fun while doing it.
  3. Those who join the site ask their questions without looking first, expect an immediate answer then vanishing into the sunset without even a thank you.
On the dreaded subject of round, black rubber things for wheels (no use of the "T" word here) that was one of the first things I realised about the site, seek and you will find, don't just jump in asking without searching.
There are so many variables to the subject, and it is such a personal choice, finances, projected uses, sizes, styles and so on the only sensible thing to do is discuss it with a local supplier/fitter.

They say "there's no such thing as a dumb question, except the one that isn't asked". But when the question has been asked and answered dozens of times before, you can't blame the seniors for getting the flame throwers out.

Basically, it's all about contributing ... give and take!
Indeed, it does get 'tiresome' (ba-dum tish. Sorry) when people start the almost daily tyre thread but I remember it being one of the first things I wanted to know when I signed up full of enthusiasm wanting to get stuck in. I've spent many hours trawling searches on here of threads of particular interest and realise just how informative it is. Unfortunately, the newbies that join up and get hounded out within days for merely asking a question will never get the opportunity to find out just how good this site is. One day, the newbies may have something to offer to some of us and the forum will become richer but only if the intolerable bellends wind their necks in.

Just because you know it all and have been around for a while doesn't give you the right to rip the pïss out of enthusiastic newcomers to the point where they get the wrong impression from the vocal minority. You perhaps think that continuous tyre questions ruin the forum but, the reality for me is that the forum is ruined by a few unintelligent cavemen that jump in unneccessarily rather than either ignore or try a polite prod towards encouraging a search.

And volume of members certainly is no barometer for quality - I'm admin on a large footy site but feel that the quality of forum on a much less popular site that I use far exceeds the former. It's down to personal taste.
ok, so you think i am a troll. well you can do one.

Do you currently have road tyres? Would All Terrains not be sufficient? You would have a perfect road/mud balance without going form one extreme to another.

You would be amazed what a Discovery can do off road with some reasonable ATs and good driving/gear box control.

Best of both worlds.
That's all it takes however, he's been hounded off the board by the self-appointed newby tyre police so won't see your answer!
That's all it takes however, he's been hounded off the board by the self-appointed newby tyre police so won't see your answer!

Well that's pity. I have learned a lot from this forum and probably didn't get the etiquette "correct" every time. I find it's easier to help where I can in return, with just a nudge in the right direction.
Indeed, it does get 'tiresome' (ba-dum tish. Sorry) when people start the almost daily tyre thread but I remember it being one of the first things I wanted to know when I signed up full of enthusiasm wanting to get stuck in. I've spent many hours trawling searches on here of threads of particular interest and realise just how informative it is. Unfortunately, the newbies that join up and get hounded out within days for merely asking a question will never get the opportunity to find out just how good this site is. One day, the newbies may have something to offer to some of us and the forum will become richer but only if the intolerable bellends wind their necks in.

Just because you know it all and have been around for a while doesn't give you the right to rip the pïss out of enthusiastic newcomers to the point where they get the wrong impression from the vocal minority. You perhaps think that continuous tyre questions ruin the forum but, the reality for me is that the forum is ruined by a few unintelligent cavemen that jump in unneccessarily rather than either ignore or try a polite prod towards encouraging a search.

And volume of members certainly is no barometer for quality - I'm admin on a large footy site but feel that the quality of forum on a much less popular site that I use far exceeds the former. It's down to personal taste.

Re-read the thread, none of the replies are abusive and some are helpful but the OP spits their dummy anyway :rolleyes:

However you look at it the fact remains....

Football is a ****e game :D
Ha, it is indeed. Football has been my life for 20 years until my club became embroiled in turmoil thanks to selfish owners. I was once close to the club and what I saw going on turned me against my own club and, more broadly, the ever increasing greed of football in general. I now try to spen my weekends on more important things like my garden rebuild, leisure time out with my dogs and, of course, elbow deep in corrosion and 20 years of neglected defender ****.

You may not consider this particular thread to be abusive but its been enough to drive someone away before they've had a chance to get the feel of the forum. I don't follow this forum as regularly as most but almost every time I have a spell visiting here Ill open up threads to see the vocal minority tearing into someone until they inevitably leave the board. It's happened far to frequent and I just don't see why that should be.

I've just helped out a guy by patching his disco for mot for much less than I could have charged for two reasons - I know him a little through work but, moreover, it's a chance to discover a little more just how these things are constructed. Maybe some of the members that have been barracked for no reason may have been as equally helpful? We'll never know but if shouting people down keeps a select few happy then maybe that's all that matters to them. It's a shame, that's all.

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