What's the most you've gotten out of your disco 1 300 tdi?

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Don't know why most people claim to do 55-60mph. Disco sits happily at 70 mph and mine is pretty ragged.
95 for me. Darent push it any harder. I had some **** pull out on me when i was doing 85 the other week, 2.5 tons of solihulls finest takes a fair bit of stopping!
Managed 100 give or take. too busy shaking my head to compensate the car shake. so I could see in front of me. Down hill somewhere legal. Oh and only for less than a few seconds. before I felt I had to change my trousers. (never again) lol
Dad got 90 out of mine on the day we bought it, i dearnt do that. especially since the tyres are speed rating C... which i think is slightly faster than a tractor??
Cause i got a flux compasitor fitted i dare try and get to 88mph.
Just in case i set fire to my lovely bfgs and end up with the caveman and stuck. :D
got 90 out of mine but the in side of the landy started to smell & it was not burningoil if you know what i mean. so i will stick to 70 ish (only on the motorway of course).
To be honest only ever taken her to 80, normally keep to arround th 60 mark, the price of diesel and the cost of repair like to teat her with care, and as mentioned hit those brakes and she takes some stopping:eek:
My disco easily sits at 70mph without any problem at all. In fact the engine wasnt even turning though the AA Recovery van was struggling a bit with all that weight on it.
I drove this afternoon a TD5 from Brive to Toulouse, nice motorway, good sunny weather ... it climbed effortlessmy to 160 km/h, i.e. 100 mph, and was running like a charm
after that brief moment of pleasure I went back to earth and to the allowed 130 km/h or 81 mph
I drove this afternoon a TD5 from Brive to Toulouse, nice motorway, good sunny weather ... it climbed effortlessmy to 160 km/h, i.e. 100 mph, and was running like a charm
after that brief moment of pleasure I went back to earth and to the allowed 130 km/h or 81 mph

That's about right as they were road tested at a max of 98 both with a manual and an auto box, the V8 at 106mph.
got her to 100 on the sat nav but my god its impossible to keep her straight.... almost touched cloth.....

but 55 does me n her fine better on the fuel......
and whats point in pushing an old girl around....
WTF. discos are not meant for speed, wanna go fast buy a sports car, wanna have fun stick wiv the landy :D
UK speed limit 70mph i dont go near that. :confused:
When I had a 200 TDI I seldom if ever went over 70, the first 300 TDI I had no more than a shown 85. I had a V8 we won't go there but oh do I miss her. :);)
When I first got mine it would do 80+ although I never took it higher, since I have put bigger wheels on and lifted it it now struggles on 70+, my reasoning is that the larger rolling radius has made it faster at lower revs and so its now just outside its power rev range, it will get up there but is slow at accelerating past 60 and hills kill all the fun...

Still plows everywhere off road though so it does whats its meant to do...

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