What's the most you've gotten out of your disco 1 300 tdi?

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had 93 (satnav) on the way down to minty's, on the A43. Playing silly bugger with a ovloV XC90 that pulled out oin front of me on a roundabout.. :mad:
I know my V8 will do over the ton. I also know what it sounds like to hear fuel being pumped through the lines faster than the tank can be filled :s
75 my 200 tops out at, funny feeling it's the gearbox though, as it'll pull like a train to 75 then will stop accelerating, the 300 I've yet to try :)
got 90 out of my old 90 after putting 200tdi in and putting a 300 disco transfer box in ,wouldn't recomend it though as she was howling like a banshee and shakin' like a crapping puppy so hoping that the disco deals with speed better than the 90 when she's fixed up.
we do about 50/55mph and just enjoy the drive, and it's so enjoyable looking in the rear view mirror and seeing the ****ed off look on the faces of the h g v drivers following,( nice to get your own back at times)
Do that one quite often to ****ers too :D

Had some woman right up my arse the other day, I was doing 38 in a 40 limit, and she was screaming at me, could see her going mental in the mirror, waving her arms around, ****er signs etc.

I thought seeing as this is so much fun, wonder what happens when I go down to 20? Much more mental. Beeping her horn etc. Couldn't get past me still so I went right down to 5 at one point, right up until the next roundabout :D She was having a whale of a time :D Hopefully make her think next time.
Some dick in a fiesta was behind me on my way back from kendal…..had the towbar on the back so decided to play chicken with the ****er :)

60 zone done at 30 then into the 40 at about 10 before gunning it and leaving him flashing his lights at me :p

I've noticed that a lot of bastards also don't like to dim their lights when they see me approaching or flash me at night because they think I have full beam on……..luckily my spotlights can out blind them and I should be fitting a set of 150w KC daylighters soon :D
There's a lot of silly buggers on the road these days one of the reasons I drive V8 I don't impede them, but just leave them behind. :D
I had mine creep up over 65 once untill I noticed and lifted off a bit, it's a bugger with an extra couple of tonne of boat on the back. I usually try to keep it about the same speed as the lorries when towing but don't prat about if I'm passing one.

I think I've done about 75 but normally stick to 65ish 'coz I'm tight and hate filling up, I have to do that often enough without going daft with the loud pedal.
I had mine creep up over 65 once untill I noticed and lifted off a bit, it's a bugger with an extra couple of tonne of boat on the back. I usually try to keep it about the same speed as the lorries when towing but don't prat about if I'm passing one.

If your towing you shouldn't be doing more than 60mph anyway.
mine is a little sick at the mo :(, and won't go above 55, until I hit a hill, then i'm lucky if I can 40 out of the poor girl :(
I had mine creep up over 65 once untill I noticed and lifted off a bit, it's a bugger with an extra couple of tonne of boat on the back. I usually try to keep it about the same speed as the lorries when towing but don't prat about if I'm passing one.

I think I've done about 75 but normally stick to 65ish 'coz I'm tight and hate filling up, I have to do that often enough without going daft with the loud pedal.

How the Jim Buggery do you not get snaking? at anything over 50/55 mine tries to kill me when towing...
How the Jim Buggery do you not get snaking? at anything over 50/55 mine tries to kill me when towing...
What Buckshot said. It'll trundle along nicely @ 60 all day. I was coming off Beatock downhill when the speed got up a bit and I could feel it wasn't as comfy going that fast, slowed it down to 60 and it was fine and dandy.

Of course cat like reflexes help ;)

Or they would if I had them.:doh:

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