We got our parts today and I noticed that the pushrods are a bit different. We were sent BR2176 and I think we had 546799 installed in our motor. After doing an Internet search both numbers seem to Pont to the 300tdi engine.

When testing then on one of the rocker arms thereally is a little bit of play (wiggle) with the new ones and the old ones seem to fit much tighter.

The question is. Can I use the br2176 or not?

Hi Gary It's a cup & ball So I don't think it will matter as long as you set them right !
Others may have summat to say on the matter :rolleyes:

Hi Gary It's a cup & ball So I don't think it will matter as long as you set them right !
Others may have summat to say on the matter :rolleyes:

We contacted the supplier here and she said the same thing. Just wanted to double check bit nervous and all as I am about to start the job :)
You got that BIT of a job dun yet ?????:rolleyes:

Got her done! I runs on all four! Had a small :oops: when on the first test run the number two valve cap fell off apparently I didn't tighten the bolt enough. Almost had a heart attack thinking the oil bath took it into the pushrod.. thankfully it didnt! Re did the valve clearances second test run A-OK!

Thanks for all of your help and advice! My biggest solo job to date!:cool:
WELL done that MAN ! We all know who to call if it happens to us !:rolleyes:
So now your back on the road were you of to next ? and don't 4get picys or we wont beleave you:rolleyes:
Chuft as f*ck you got it sorted & hope it don't give you any more Sh*t !
Safe journey where ever your heading !

Thanks Steve, am also pretty chuft!

We still have a bit more to see of Costa Rica then we will continue our adventure southward hopefully all the way to Patagonia! If I have done everything correctly then I don't anticipate having to take the timing cover off for at least 100 kms!
Don't 4 get LOADS of picys or you know wot:p that's right we wont be leave you:rolleyes:
Have a very safe journey & look after that motor !
Speak soon of to bed now it's 1 o'clock in the morning here:eek: & I'm up early in the morning Of to have a look at another TIN TENT:rolleyes:
Catch you 2morrow

Recheck the valve clearances after a couple of hundred k's once everything has bedded in and well done enjoy your trip. I'm not jealous at all honest :D
Yay, I lost this thread and I've just been scrolling through my history so I could find out if you had blast off. Made up you have it all going again, I bet your bum is now slowly relaxing lol.
Recheck the valve clearances after a couple of hundred k's once everything has bedded in and well done enjoy your trip. I'm not jealous at all honest :D
Thanks for the tip on that one! Will do!
I definitely didn't take enough pictures I was too focused on doing the job in front of me. I will try room load some up tomorrow.

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