mozz smith

Well-Known Member
WANTED does anyone know of any EXPERTS on the thor motortronic engine ????????????? its a 2000 vogue 4.6 v8 petrol/lpg , only those that know the engine fuel rail system and components and how it works etc etc need apply ;););) getting fed up now ready to ring the scrapyard !!!!!!!!!!! cheers mozz:confused::confused::confused::confused:
55 psi / 3.5 bar fuel pressure at the rail. The pressure regulator is part of the pump assy on the Thors.
hi data ,druim and rewmer , thanks data 30 days to go !!!!!!! my problem is I have recently spent a fortune on bad advice ie change the following 1) battery 2) maf sensor 3) temp sensor 4) crank sensor ?????????? all at a great cost and as you know I only had the complete engine re-bult with top hat liners and head done at a cost of £4370.00,in august last year and have only done about 2,000 mile now this ???? so do I go along with changing the fuel pump or fuel rail and at what this is gonna cost ????? AND its not that either ????????? I cant get the fuel pressure tested as theres nobody near who can do it ???????? so im left with the above dilemma ,,,, cant it be diagnosed or electrically tested ??????? cheers lads MOZZ
P.s. New fuel pump for thor is £349.00 supplied only !!!!!!!!! No idea what fuel rail would cost thats if theres any still available or made !!!! Then theres the labour cost ????????? Dont really like going s/h as everything else had fitted new !!!!! At great cost !!!!!!!!!!!!!! Ive too much money invested into it now my fault i know so soon as its sorted its up for sale !!!!!!!!!!!!!
Surely someone could easily check the fuel pressure, 1 connection to a gauge, very simple.
Suggest you start with that, should cost peanuts.

BTW I bid you 40p for the car as it stands :D:D:D
Mozz think you had some good suggestions about getting the fuel pressure tested or just change out the pump in this

Not sure anybody can say 100% what's at fault without seeing it or some tests:)

Thank you Druim. I gave him good advice, in the past and now on how to check fuel pressure and other possible causes inc low price, and part numbers, for new pump if needed and much more including the p38 template but he doesn't take any notice. As you point out. If anyone is interested view 'Thor engine experts please' is an insult. so no more advice to Mozz from me. Ungrateful ...........d
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Thank you Druim. I gave him good advice, in the past and now on how to check fuel pressure and other possible causes inc low price, and part numbers, for new pump if needed and much more including the p38 template but he doesn't take any notice. As you point out. If anyone is interested view 'Thor engine experts please' is an insult. so no more advice to Mozz from me. Ungrateful ...........d

wel well well ??????????? :rolleyes::rolleyes::rolleyes: having read this ive rang you twice and you don't want to speak ?????? :confused::confused::confused:so just to clarify this for everyone who knows me and at least 300+ fellow p38 owners will back me up , im the most laid back person on here, I have a lot of patience and go to great lengths to help anyone Derek , ive never called YOU an ungrateful bastard ?:eek: I have never told YOU to #### off and multiply :eek: so just because I placed a thread on here asking for thor engine experts YOU took umbridge with that and as you so rightly did give help and advice NOBODY said you didn't !!!!!!! but as a non mechanic and someone without tools etc etc I was looking for alternatives ?????????? BUT you WITHOUT ringing me or questioning the reason of my "expert thread " went off on one without even reasoning my lack of knowledge !!!!!!!!!! so I wont stoop to your level of communication the way you have to me , I shall just knock on your door next time im in laxey ....... ;);););).and I assure you I did have a father !!!!!!!!!:p:p and pray tell are YOU the world EXPERT ON THORS ????????????????:eek::eek::eek::eek::eek::eek: OBVIOUSLY not !!!!!!!!!!!
Mozz, Don't you dare let this get you down. You're one of the top guys on this forum, & I for one know how many people you have helped & got them running again.

I've had many a forum fight, been banned a few times. If we didn't have a difference of opinion we wouldn't be men!
I haven't followed the previous thread - but are you sure you've covered the bleedin' obvious? Rover V8s can run surprisingly well with one or two cylinders down. Check the leads are definitely on the right plugs, if so, don the marigolds and insulated pliers, pull a lead at a time with the engine running to make sure each are firing. The injector loom may have been damaged by the engine removal/replacement. A cheap IR thermometer is useful for checking header temps - which should roughly compare shortly after startup from cold and then shutdown after 30 secs before the heat-soak has heated the whole exhaust manifold. Any much cooler headers would point to a problem with that cylinder.

A friend's 7 series had a duff plug (crap Champions again) and yet the Motronic 5.1 EMS (same as Thor) didn't detect a misfire on diagnostics!
hi steve , read the previous thread its all been covered ??????? and thanks to much info , supplied by by others lots of items have been replaced with new replacements and a series of checks have been done ,,tomorrow its going for fuelrail pressure test ,, will update tomorrow ,,cheers steve
Mozz, Don't you dare let this get you down. You're one of the top guys on this forum, & I for one know how many people you have helped & got them running again.

I've had many a forum fight, been banned a few times. If we didn't have a difference of opinion we wouldn't be men!


Mozz is a decent guy, quick thinking and makes a brew before you even realise you need one!!
hi steve , read the previous thread its all been covered ??????? and thanks to much info , supplied by by others lots of items have been replaced with new replacements and a series of checks have been done ,,tomorrow its going for fuelrail pressure test ,, will update tomorrow ,,cheers steve

I presume it's the won't start thread? I don't see any evidence of a compression test in there, I diagnosed an Astra once that won't run properly, the pressure pulses up the inlet tract from a leaking inlet valve played havoc with the fuel injection system.
hi lads, just an update ..!!!!!!! well I was intending to go for a pressure test on fuel rail today BUT !!!!!!! VERY VERY strange brilliant thing happened IT STARTED FIRST KEY ,,,IM totally bemused and confused now !!!!! we had left it stood since dinnertime Monday till 4pm Tuesday afternoon total 27 hours and as I said 1st key up and running , then today wens tried it at 10am AGAIN 1ST key started ??????????? NOW I HAVENT A CLUE as its been a proper nightmare for over 6 weeks , so will see tomorrow thurs what happens then take it for fuel pressure test ......I will be up all night now what the possibilities of whats been going on all this time and why has it suddenly decided to behave itself ???? any suggestions would be warmly welcome as there has to be a reason , many thanks to EVERYONE for their imput and help , very much appreciated ,,,,, will update tomorrow and so on ,,,kind regards MOZZ

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hi lads, just an update ..!!!!!!! well I was intending to go for a pressure test on fuel rail today BUT !!!!!!! VERY VERY strange brilliant thing happened IT STARTED FIRST KEY ,,,IM totally bemused and confused now !!!!! we had left it stood since dinnertime Monday till 4pm Tuesday afternoon total 27 hours and as I said 1st key up and running , then today wens tried it at 10am AGAIN 1ST key started ??????????? NOW I HAVENT A CLUE as its been a proper nightmare for over 6 weeks , so will see tomorrow thurs what happens then take it for fuel pressure test ......I will be up all night now what the possibilities of whats been going on all this time and why has it suddenly decided to behave itself ???? any suggestions would be warmly welcome as there has to be a reason , many thanks to EVERYONE for their imput and help , very much appreciated ,,,,, will update tomorrow and so on ,,,kind regards MOZZ
Bet someone broke into it on Monday night and fixed it. :D I don't think you are as bad as some are making out, your not bad for a Manc.:D:D

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