I left yesterday afternoon as I knew it would be bedlam gettng out today- even with MT's it took a bit of effort. I have no idea how the Nissan Micra half way down the hill got out- it would have fallen into some of the ruts :p
No vids of the Team Recovery unfortunately we were running (ok walking) around after them making sure they weren't cheating!!
I left yesterday afternoon as I knew it would be bedlam gettng out today- even with MT's it took a bit of effort. I have no idea how the Nissan Micra half way down the hill got out- it would have fallen into some of the ruts :p

Great to see you there Steve.

Sorry we didn't have much time to chinwag, hope you enjoyed your day marshalling with Sean's group.

I have to say it was another splendid Nats, got to meet up with and chat to loads of old friends, despite the downpours.

If the Micra was coming down from the far field it could have been a friend of mine from Yorkshire LROC, his chassis died on the trialler so he had to come down in one of those things!!
Must Say Barry from YORC was a very sound chap indeed he was marshalling the CCV Saturday with Andy and my old man!!
Haha I had a look and was like I don't remember seeing any if those............

Having a blonde moment!! The faces all had smiles when they came back to camp!! Stu are you on the nationals FB page?
Means cvlrc and you guys killajoules stu and sm0129 set a fantastic sections out

You can never please everyone but this year I heard zero complaints!!
No Jai, not seen the FB page. will have a mooch.

I have bought a LT95 for the CCV :mooning:
Found the page, Glad to hear you liked the setup. Typically a CVLRC member got a 12 on section 12 :hysterically_laughi But all else was good.
Another classic piece of muppeticity!

Will chemical metal fix this lol

I was attempting to replace the fan belt, but even with the dynamo against the block it would not fit.


Remove pulley!



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