Today KillaJoules helped set out a trial today at Roundhill for some fun tomorrow. But he has set out so he can't take part, and djdommyp is working a 12hour shift tonight which leaves ME :D in the 80. Pics to follow tomorrow
See you tomorrow stu!

Good luck!

I'm running the treasure hunt hopefully enough entrants!

Will try and get a photos of you trialling tomorrow we actually today!
See you tomorrow stu!

Good luck!

I'm running the treasure hunt hopefully enough entrants!

Will try and get a photos of you trialling tomorrow we actually today!

Ok Jai, see you there. Got my dash cam again so hopefully some video.
Bloody hell far too early!! Note to self don't go out night before to a party. too old these days!!

See you up There about 9.30 J
Whoo, 2nd leaf again :D


Bit muddy but had a great day.
Stu you looked like you had fun! You were smiling!!

Sorry I was on Noobie duty and done a sneaky off to Ed and the ccv guys, well two of them.
Yea we bent it straight using his tow bar and some oomph. It'll be fine to get him home but he should really buy a hd set from Paddocks seemed a couple of nice guys. 2 bent track rods and one bent drag link but the ccv motor should have been hd to start with really.

Did I hit the cane when I tried the tight pulse of canes when I crossed over plenty of hand brake and diff lock dis engaged hopefully I missed them!
No problems, you marshals did all the hard work I just drove around the site. Couldn't leave the poor guys on their first trial with a bent track rod I had fun Stu defiantly had gun he was smiling all day! Joules you and April looked like your were enjoying it so it was a great day.
Ye it was a great day, got some videos uploading ATM. Really want to get the Range Rover there just to see how harder it is, I'm only 7.1" longer wheelbase than a Land Rover 90 just got the overhang to consider. In due cause me thinks.

Couple of pics from the day







I think that he thinks all green series motors are his, he never bothered with the 90's but when the 80 or Matts 88 fired up he was on the case.

He ignored Andy most of the time though, maybe 'cos Andy doesn't do dogs.
A very pleasant RTV/CCV mixed trial this weekend

I ended up there on my own as April, Stu and Dom were off doing their own things.

A great turnout with 7 RTV and 4 CCV entries in the trial

Ergo, no action shots of my motor in action as I was driving.

Great to see SM0129 there too!

As he had to go half way through and as he had NEVER driven before I let him passenger me for the morning. Hes definatly a convert, look forward to seeing you at the next trial and the Nationals Steve










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