If i'm wasting your time tell me but i was just thinking, if the land your riding about on is in a different state to when you got there, ie tyre marks could that be construed as damage. Just curious.

Cheers Nick.
If i'm wasting your time tell me but i was just thinking, if the land your riding about on is in a different state to when you got there, ie tyre marks could that be construed as damage. Just curious.

Cheers Nick.

Depends what the land was used for, is the quick answer !!!:)

ie, if its used for live stock, then deep tyre ruts could be considered as a danger to there well being :cool:
Just for fun.
If the Pillock next door insists on driving his very loud and untaxed car around at TW$t like speeds in the dark with no lights and really ****ing me off while i'm talking to you guys do i get any " we were with im all night me lod " when i go out and shoot him with a gun that i have not got !
Cheers Nick.
Just for fun.
If the Pillock next door insists on driving his very loud and untaxed car around at TW$t like speeds in the dark with no lights and really ****ing me off while i'm talking to you guys do i get any " we were with im all night me lod " when i go out and shoot him with a gun that i have not got !
Cheers Nick.

I can lend you a shotgun !!!!!:D

Just jokin !!!! he aint worth it !!!, oh and i got rid of me guns last year !!!!:cool:
B'stard he is, bless him. Hopefully he will forget how to get home one of these days. Got to get beauty sleep now.

Cheers, Nick.
Depends what the land was used for, is the quick answer !!!:)

ie, if its used for live stock, then deep tyre ruts could be considered as a danger to there well being :cool:
a point for green laners to bear in mind.
Thanks Rets. So you wouldn,t mind then ridding next to your place then Slob I suppose; a true petrol head.

the french ain't as anal as you. they supply places for the kids to go skateboarding,roller skating, pocket biking, and just about anything else they care to partake in and the adults encourage them to do so. that way vandalism around here is zero and graffiti is hardly seen out side of the skate board/ bmx park.
so i don't have to put up wiff them around me place and if they did i'd probably join in and help them out in return fer me car getting washed or me hoose painted.
How did I know that you would take that line Blob? You are as predictable as night fall.
The point your missing you moron, is that there is nothing for them to do here in the cuds, I sympathise with them (to a point) but I do not want 2 stroke non baffled exhausts buzzing all day every day next to the house. :mad:
**** off ya soggy heided ****. you int gonna tell us that they are out there 24 hours a day ,7 days a week. and to use your phrase

You are as predictable as night fall.

thick as ****

i'd say they wur out there fer a couple of hours at the weekend and as you don't seem to be having any fun in yer pitiful life you decided to try and stop them from having any.
what next???? the farmers cows are mooing to loud fer yer sensative lug oles? or maybe yer telly is too loud fer you .
Der Retz - i live next to a farm and the cooz smell awful. Do they have to moo at nite? I cant get a good nites sleep.
**** off ya soggy heided ****. you int gonna tell us that they are out there 24 hours a day ,7 days a week. and to use your phrase

You are as predictable as night fall.

thick as ****

i'd say they wur out there fer a couple of hours at the weekend and as you don't seem to be having any fun in yer pitiful life you decided to try and stop them from having any.
what next???? the farmers cows are mooing to loud fer yer sensative lug oles? or maybe yer telly is too loud fer you .

Please be quiet Blob, I am having a conversation with people who know something about my situation, not some pratt in France. Now go and find another thread so you can moon over Pussy Peepers and stop making silly comments. You aint here are you, so you do not know the extent of the noise do you? Therefore you cannot possibly make an informed decision. So on that basis; shut up Blob.
We had this same problem last year and one before. We had a gypsy family owned the field at the end of our street and they used to have their mates come round 10a.m and buzz round the field till 10p.m knowing there was naff all we could do about it........... couldnt even get there flaming caravan moved off by the council even though it was there illegally:mad: They eventually moved on of their own accord but we had to put up with it for about 2 years:(
Please be quiet Blob, I am having a conversation with people who know something about my situation,

No you're not. You're posting on a forum where everyone thinks you are an annoying, ignorant little ****.

No-one 'knows' anything about your situation, because no-one cares.

What really annoyed me about your posts on this subject was the old "I sympathise with them because there's nothing for them to do" line.

WTF could you give them to do that would stop a bunch of disrespectful little chavs being ignorant, destructive and a general burden on the rest of us?

Go on, give them WHAT to do? What exactly did kids have 25 years ago that they don't today that stopped them from getting up to the **** that kids now get up to?


That is one crock of **** argument that comes up time and again. Only thing that surprises me was that it was a fkn 12 year old that came up with it. Getting repeatedly stuffed by your old man must give you a precocious outlook kid.
bad day Mucus:(? or yu had time to look at yo new bus?:eek:
I tell yu wot there was 20 years ago - i bloody good hiding - or at least a thick ear - doled out by parents, coppers or anyone else nearby - sometimes all 3! ;)
Nah, good day again. :D

That argument just ****es me off, doubley so when it comes from Brikbollox. Can't see a bunch of kids these days getting on their (probably very dangerous) push bikes & dissappearing from morning till teatime to...eek, god forbid.........the countryside! I'm not going to go all starry eyed about climbing trees & playing 'war', but FFS games consoles, turkey twangers, ipods & hip hop rot yer brains.

Look at the sullen bunch of spotty little ****s lolling about slack jawed and pointless in any shopping centre & tell me society has moved forwards?

Exactly Daft, you used to get a slap for being a ****head (not 'you' specifically!) I asked a couple of oiks to stop pulling branches off of a tree to make a fire a while back. Did either of them look abashed? No, one just pulled out his mobile and said "I'm calling my Dad, he'll come and punch you". I waited & no Dad showed up (probably cuz he hadn't seen him fer years) & eventually the little toerags sloped off. Shame really, I was looking forward to that one!
Look at the sullen bunch of spotty little ****s lolling about slack jawed and pointless in any shopping centre & tell me society has moved forwards?

I hear the cops wanna interview some "ickle darlings" over an "incident" in B'stoke mall. :eek: - i fort they wuz banned;)

give it 13 years - and yu will have wun :eek:
Please be quiet Blob, I am having a conversation with people who know something about my situation, not some pratt in France. Now go and find another thread so you can moon over Pussy Peepers and stop making silly comments. You aint here are you, so you do not know the extent of the noise do you? Therefore you cannot possibly make an informed decision. So on that basis; shut up Blob.

look ya ferkin moron you stated that they where at it all day every day.
do they work shifts? do they have 8 hours on and 16 off? i don't think so. so don't tell me i don't know something about yer situation.

if you want them to cool it abit then talk to them and show a bit of respect that way they think they are equal to you and they don't have to have a ****in contest with you , unless thats how you prefer to do things.
it dunt work! all it does is gives them a reason to put yer windows in and slash yer tyres.
i had a similar situation before and if you talk to them it always works. if you go in yelling and threatning it dunt. you get the cops you suffer.
best way is to show an interest in what they are doing. then gradualy mention the noise . that way they din't find threatend and you get the noised cut.
of course that would mean swallowing yer pride and having to wait fer it to show results but it has a much better result than shouting and getting the cops involed.
the teenagers that wur round my way in scotland making with the loud and spitting everywhere ended up cutting me grass,washing me car and other **** like that. and they moved away to someother place to be teenagers.

so follow the advice of a pratt in france and talk to them .

or take the hardarsed approach and live wiff it.

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