i had this trouble yrs ago wif some numpty on a moped.
one night, i cut his ht lead wif me snips.

just where it appears out from the magneto!

all quiet after that.
i had this trougl eyrs ago wif some numpty on a moped.
one night, i cut his ht lead wif me snips.

just where it appears out from the magneto!

all quiet after that.

Great idea, but thats now classed as "criminal Damage" or at worst, threats with intent.:eek:
Hi Rets.
I know that if you have permission from the land owner it's okay and that a public park is diiferent from a private field but the noise was my main point as thats what annoys me. My Monkey bike that i had when i was little was really quiet and no one came and complained, these mini bikes, which my friend has are really irritating and he wont let his daughter run it for more than fifteen mins at a time because he knows somone will moan.

Hi Rets.
I know that if you have permission from the land owner it's okay and that a public park is diiferent from a private field but the noise was my main point as thats what annoys me. My Monkey bike that i had when i was little was really quiet and no one came and complained, these mini bikes, which my friend has are really irritating and he wont let his daughter run it for more than fifteen mins at a time because he knows somone will moan.


If only more parents took the same viewpoint:cool:
the numpty went into a shop at about 10pm and left his moped outside on the pavement.
i walked passed and snip. must have taken me all of 2 seconds.

not even god could prove it was me.
I may just keep some in my pocket.
The thing with the noise is some days and times it does not matter and other times it pushes the button instantly and as you say it would be nice if more people thought about how they affect others, just for ten minutes.
If the land owner decides that he does not want the minibikes does that mean his wishes are paramount to the person who is renting the land/farm/whatrever ?

I may just keep some in my pocket.
The thing with the noise is some days and times it does not matter and other times it pushes the button instantly and as you say it would be nice if more people thought about how they affect others, just for ten minutes.
If the land owner decides that he does not want the minibikes does that mean his wishes are paramount to the person who is renting the land/farm/whatrever ?


Sure does, most land lease contracts now hold the land owner responsible for any unlawful acts, aswell as the lands tennant !!!!!:eek:
they are not allowed on his land without his permission. (unless footpath etc..)
if they have no permission, they can be sued for tresspass.
but they are minors, so the law says they can do almost anything they feckin want.

hence the side cutters.
they are not allowed on his land without his permission. (unless footpath etc..)
if they have no permission, they can be sued for tresspass.
but they are minors, so the law says they can do almost anything they feckin want.

hence the side cutters.

If they dont cause any damage to enter the field, then the law of tresspass can not be applied:eek:
What is legal age at which children are legally responsible ? As i understand you are not legally responsable untill you are 18.
As for tresspass that means if you dont "break in" your not tresspassing, ish.
What is legal age at which children are legally responsible ? As i understand you are not legally responsable untill you are 18.
As for tresspass that means if you dont "break in" your not tresspassing, ish.

Legal age of responsibility is indeed 18, Below that age is a very gray area.

You can walk into any empty property and as long as you dont cause any damage, then, nope, it aint tresspass !!!!:cool:

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