Its up there rets!
Nowt yer clown!

I'v got a bust water pipe under the concrete floor, so i just wondered if it would be easier to set light to the bloody house, save me fixin it
and fittin the bathroom and decoratin and and and !
Wot you gorpin at?
and down here

Get A plumber in ya tight wad !!!!!;)

Check your insurance too, i meen if it were to do excesive damage then you could get the lot done all at the same time !!!!!;)
Get A plumber in ya tight wad !!!!!;)

Check your insurance too, i meen if it were to do excesive damage then you could get the lot done all at the same time !!!!!;)

I like you retsy;)

so if i just leave the bust pipe till it erodes the foundations away i can have a new house built out the insurance munny???:D

can i have that in writin wer worship
Ive just had a measure up rets!

there should be enough room fer the ex wife.

so long as she wunt a fat burd :p
i dunt wanna do more diggin than i have to :D
I like you retsy;)

so if i just leave the bust pipe till it erodes the foundations away i can have a new house built out the insurance munny???:D

can i have that in writin wer worship


Also the ex was 5ft 8" and a size 10 :mad:

Bury her now !!!!!!:D
What do you know about inheritance (sp) tax and how to avoid it??
My Dad had his house and land valued last week, £1,310,000.........and the government aint getting a penny!! Do you know of any legal ways to get round it or do we do it the "Italian way" :D
What do you know about inheritance (sp) tax and how to avoid it??
My Dad had his house and land valued last week, £1,310,000.........and the government aint getting a penny!! Do you know of any legal ways to get round it or do we do it the "Italian way" :D

You really need a good accountant, I only do probate and to be honest i aint done much.

There are ways round inheritance tax, but you need an abbacus man for that stuff.:D

Sorry i cant be of more help:eek:

But can i just say how beautiful you are!!!!
Catflap .... are you an only child? Did I tell you that I love you?

P.S. I've got a very good accountant in South Benfleet, he's just on the right side of legal.
Fekin 'ell, they're crawlin' outta the woodwork now! Christ Rets, Sheddy, I'd like to say I'm surprised at you! ;)

Ere' Cats, perhaps 'my old mans gaff is worth a bit' woulda sufficed :rolleyes:
hey i seen flaps first so back orf!!! morning dear maria, no don't get up i'll bring you breakfast in bed....muck out yer stables of course dear,,, anything else?
Yep, a lawyer can plumb the depths like no other, I'll certainly concede that point chap. ;)

& Sheddy just wants a bigger one to keep all his spades in. :p
LOL!! No I'm not an only child, but I am the oldest and I will be looked after as my Dad said.
I'm going to buy a small holding in Scotland and a Defender with my share :D

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