I’d be more worried if he shook your hand and you felt nothing, pain is good sign or so I keep telling myself :)
My wife disagreed with that when I told her I live with background pain. Apparently it isn't normal. I just see it as a sign that I've done manual work for decades. I was double fisting ibru and paracetamol because that's how I party. :p
Different people have different tolerance I find. Some people can put up with immense back pain as if it’s normal but cry like a bi**h with toothache Or visa versa
Different people have different tolerance I find. Some people can put up with immense back pain as if it’s normal but cry like a bi**h with toothache Or visa versa
I have a fairly high pain tolerance in general, so long as the bits still move when they need to thats all right, get peed off spreading the claret over workpieces though. BUT I just quiver at the dentists, can't stand anyone buggering about with my teeth, even hygenists leave me in a cold sweat.
My wife disagreed with that when I told her I live with background pain. Apparently it isn't normal. I just see it as a sign that I've done manual work for decades. I was double fisting ibru and paracetamol because that's how I party. :p

I suspect Ibru feels it more than you. I'm not good with foreign names, is Ibru male or female?

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