Not done much recently apart from painting.
Welded up the front bit of the chassis that was rusty and painted the rear light fittings!



Not much more done due to work Being ridiculous and me simply to exhausted to do anything on my days off.

But in case you have been wondering. I haven’t given up on the trailer, and now we are on tier 4 lock down there is feck all to do apart from walk the doggo and rebuild trailers.

This is where i am now:

- all running gear and brake and suspension rebuilt
- chassis 2 x plates welded and chassis primered ready for green paint on the visible areas, the non visible will just be under sealed
- drawbar rebuilt and painted
- over run and handbrake mechanism rebuilt
- tie downs and legs/props rebuilt
- new jockey wheel sourced
- light mounts and lights all mounted
- pair of new tyres and wheels (hand me downs from the 90!)

To do
- bolt it all back together
- weld the tub
- bolt tub on
- wiring


Not done much recently, most of my waking hours have been either at work or at home laying on the sofa, recovering from work.

Today however I got cracking and get it up on its feet, new shocks, brakes all fitted and adjusted, and half the lights fitted.


quite pleased. Quick tow up and down the track by the house and all seems to work fine so far. Will fit the rest of the bits at the weekend (maybe)
Wheels back on now and then my jack broke...after wasting 2 hours trying to fix it and swearing about how rubbish it was I reasiled I had it close to 40 years. New one ordered.
Re the brakes, they are well made with ally adjusters and actuators that respond well to some penetrating oil so I would do it that way, just take the drum off and not take the shoes off. I still haven't found a definative answer as to what shoes they are. 10" is all I know.

Rob, how did you get on setting up your brakes by the way?
Got some nice NOS period correct glass lenses for a very very good price off a mate who didn’t need them anymore,

I wasn’t going to fit the period correct lenses but I will now!!
Almost finished the ongoing Sankey Narrow Track saga. Edging ever closer to finishing it.....

Fitted a fog light, it didn’t have one originally as it’s a well aged trailer, but the plug on the back of the Land Rover has a fog out out so, I added one.
Completely reversible mod (apart from a couple of holes) should anyone with to remove it in future.

Also finished the wiring loom, wrapped and P clipped it all out of harms way. Plan for tomorrow is to cut to length and terminate all the wires, run 2 or 3 more chassis earths, mount the junction box then test it on the Land Rover plug.

Then apart from the tub it’s pretty much done.... tub is about 2 hours away from me though so covid is stopping me going and getting it :(

I see you opted to keep the convoy light. Mine has one the same and I've been agonising over whether to leave it on or take it off and keep in safely in the shed. They are getting quite pricy now and it seems a shame to just leave it there exposed to the elements.
I see you opted to keep the convoy light. Mine has one the same and I've been agonising over whether to leave it on or take it off and keep in safely in the shed. They are getting quite pricy now and it seems a shame to just leave it there exposed to the elements.

Yeah I had the same dilemma but eventually I decided to keep it, it was still working after being sat under the trailer for 50years, and I do like things to work as originally intended so on balance I thought it was fine to go back underneath. The convoy light is the same as the number plate light, I actually put the number plate light in place of the convoy light and the convoy light was reused as the number plate light. The reason being the original convoy light was much bette cosmetic condition than the number plate light that had been being rained on for 50years!

I have no need of the convoy light, but it still works on the 90 so I thought I would keep it on the trailer
Electrics and loom are now completed. All that’s left to do is weld up the tub and, well, that’s it tbh.

I made a bracket to hold the modern maypole trailer junction box then a loom to feed everything at the rear and a separate one to feed everything at the front.
All works as originally designed :)

Can anyone tell me why the f.uck the forum always rotates my photos no matter what way I orient the phone when taking them :mad:
Made an adaptor bracket so that a breakaway cable can be retrofitted and activate the hand brake. Technically, unless I am a total dumbass and leave the locking pins out, the nato hitch won’t come undone BUT this does make me compliant with the law so why not!





And a short (very!) video of it in action

Finally got to tow it on the road. Passed my B+E yesterday with only 4 minors :)

going to a mates to weld and reattach the tub tomorrow.
Drove it for an hour and half today on a shakedown run on a mix of roads. all is fine and works as it should, actually rows quite nicely, can’t hardly notice it’s there!
Edge even closer to completion, on the home stretch now...

drilled out the broken lashing cleats, I have replacements I am going to bolt in place. Then flap disc’d and wire brushed the inside of the tub, used Fertan to treat any residual rusty bits then gave the whole thing 2 coats of bonda primer....

will strip the outside of the tub, bonda primer and paint nato green next weekend :)

been doing some more research into this trailer, and all its life with 4th/5th battalion the green howards (TA Unit) is quite right...

it actually spent time, with various other units, all of them TA

28.11.66 HQ. PWO. Inf. Bn. (T) - (Headquarters Prince of Wales Own Infantry Battalion (Territorials)

20.09.67 HQ. Yorks. Inf. Bn. (V) - (Headquarters Yorkshire Infantry Battalion (Volunteers)

‘C’ Coy Yorks (V) Comd Control Aug 70 - (C Company Yorkshire Regiment Command(?) Control August 1970)

1 Yorkshire (V) Authy Dist Cont Mar 75 (1 Yorkshire Volunteers Authority(?) District(?) Control(?) March 1975)

25/1/99 BCA Belle Vue (British Car Auctions Manchester)
Couple of extra bit, I got a genuine 1970’s Sankey narrow track canvas, and made a duck board for it


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