Hot Fuzz

For most of the year my rangie does very little bar a little offroading and taking the dogs (dog RIP Rio) down the beach, But due to the current climate ive done well over 1000 miles in the last two weeks,

Morayshire in the north of scotland has been hit by snow to the extent that i am the only person in my street (46 houses) that can get their car out of the driveway,

I have recentally taken up the job as an illegal private hire car to the point where people are knocking on my door and offering me money to either pull them out of there driveways or drive them to and from the local supermarket,
But what really made my day was pulling a Landcruiser out of a field with about 6 inches of snow as the owner is a muppet and thought that £30000 worth of toyota (with road tyres) would be suitable, How we laughted,

So to all you people in Prises and city cars scoffing at me for diving a 4x4 whos laughing now..............
the city cars are usually the ones sat holding the traffic up as they are not able or competant to drive in snow!!

i love it, tell them you'll pull em for a fiver, when they say they wont pay, take the bloke behind instead!!!

they soon sort thier tree hugging opinions out.

as for the illegal payment, you are allowed to be reimbursed for your fuel (as in not for profit) i think. plus if its a donation to your favourite charity (you) then how could anyone complain!!!

i am only a recent 4 x 4 owner but love driving it and now living on a farm would be in proper trouble without it due to a km of unsurfaced road that is def not griited ot ploughed

Proper car for a PROPER JOB
Good lad, since this last bout of snow n ice i have rescued 17 cars from ditches and fields, same every year though, most of them towny folk dont have a clue how to drive in it, including the numpty in a mondeo that overtook me doing 60 ish on an icy/snowy road, needless to say when i saw him backwards up a bank 3 miles down the road i did the gentlemanly thing....and left him there, safest place for him, dicks like that shouldn be on the road imo.

Ps, legaly your not allowed to ask for any payment but a well directed hint at the cost of fuel usualy gets an offer of some fuel money which then makes it all legal...........i think !
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you say it is an illegal private hire car,well in my younger days i can remember many taxis ,as in your photo,running around uk roads and occasionaly i got a lift in one but funny enough money for the fare was never mentioned :D:D:D best of luck with your new venture:rolleyes::rolleyes:
we have to listen to them disrepecting our choice of car all year, suddenly we are very popular, wonder why !!!!!!!!
The only down side is when you phone work saying you cant get in due to the snow hoping for a gash day off. Then some bright spark tells your boss you have a range rover and if he can get to work in his ford focus(im sure he slept in it over night) then why cant you:eek:.
the city cars are usually the ones sat holding the traffic up as they are not able or competant to drive in snow!!

i love it, tell them you'll pull em for a fiver, when they say they wont pay, take the bloke behind instead!!!

they soon sort thier tree hugging opinions out.

as for the illegal payment, you are allowed to be reimbursed for your fuel (as in not for profit) i think. plus if its a donation to your favourite charity (you) then how could anyone complain!!!

gav,your second paragraph sounds positively a sexual way that is.:eek::p;);)
I Love my 4.6 P38, but don't knock the Prius (the wife's car), it is shod with a set of Vredestein Snowtrac3's and they are the dog's, its great to drive past the make believe japanese 4x4's that are stuck on a hill, when they see a prius stop and then set off and drive past them, like off roading get the right kit for the conditions, but its even better when you can give a bit of gas in the Rangie and have some power slides. If you are wondering, the wife does high miles and its paid for itself, my neigbours look down my drive and can't think of what to say Good car Bad car, ha ha ha.
Is because I don't give a **** about what others think of me or my choice of vehicles. It gets even better when the summer comes along and I can get my Beemer 750 out, push the foot into the carpet and suck fuel up at a rate of 9 miles to the gallon.

Sodd them, you're a long time dead.
How I laughed yesterday morning driving to work watching all the muppits in there front wheel drive tin cans slipping and sliding all over the place, 1 person in the car only.

We cruised past in my P38, 4 people in. with no worries waht so ever. All we could we could see was the muppits think, **** why did I listen to those global warming prats.

PS have you noticed the tree huggers have now dropped Global Warming as a phrase. Its now Climate Change.

Keep it up guys
Nice one Woogoo I like it :D

Daveb284 I like yours too I f@cking hate all this global warming b@llocks or "climate change B@llocks" the main thing with that is it is not a proven theory and there are as many credible scientists who will state that it is a load of old crap!!! Government hype getting on the band wagon to tax us for anything they can think of!!
Hey Overlandrover, nice to meet another guy with the same cars in his garage. :D We call ours Ying and Yang:p

The P38 has been peerless in its capability to deal with all conditions thrown at it. The local authorities have run out of salt for the roads over here so the roads are treacherous but I've never driven a vehicle that is so surefooted. I'm running Pirelli Scorpions all round and they've done really well. Heres a few pics from work today which is a 40 mile drive across mainly unsalted roads driven without any fuss. Managed to get stuck when I stopped in a drift:doh: can't blame the car for that but i always keep a folding shovel in the boot and had it out in a few minutes. Our snow here is more frozen sleet than real snow so you're travelling on a hard crust with very light powder underneath. Its no problem when taken with a bit of momentum but when you stop (to take a photo:eek:) it can be tricky to get going again. The North and East of Ireland is getting heavy snow but down it the South West its all heavy frost with occasional sleet showers.

And I'll echo what you're saying about the Prius, my wifes got one too and its performed brilliantly in the big freeze over here. Its only on road tires (we haven't had any serious cold weather down here since 1983 so no one has winter tires here) but its been great. It's confidence inspiring to drive it. I've heavily criticised the traction/stabilty control (mind you thats the driver, the wife doesn't even know its there:rolleyes:) in the past but it makes the car almost unspinable. I took it on to a car park that was a sheet of ice to give it a good test and I've never seen anything recover a slide like it. I couldn't spin it without using the parking brake and even when you initiated a slide it almost self recovered every time. All you had to do was steer into the slide and it did the rest. I had it totally broadside a few times when I said to myself, it has to spin here, but no, it came out of it everytime. Unbelievable. Mind you the fuel economy does drop off dramatically in the cold.
We have to sell it soon as we have a third kid on the way and there's just no way of getting three child seats in the back. Its very disappointing. We're looking at replacing it with a Honda FRV.


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You hooligan, hand brake turning a prius, Brussels will be furious at the thought of a “planet saving” vehicle in the hands of someone that knows how to have fun, Absolutely loving it,
Thanks for everyone posts I was expecting a barrage of abuse claiming it’s my 15mpg vehicle that’s caused all the snow problems in the first place but to be honest I live in the north of Scotland, we thing global warming is a great thing!!!!!
But again thanks

One life life it!!!!! More like Every winter enjoy it…….

Hey Overlandrover, nice to meet another guy with the same cars in his garage. :D We call ours Ying and Yang:p

The P38 has been peerless in its capability to deal with all conditions thrown at it. The local authorities have run out of salt for the roads over here so the roads are treacherous but I've never driven a vehicle that is so surefooted. I'm running Pirelli Scorpions all round and they've done really well. Heres a few pics from work today which is a 40 mile drive across mainly unsalted roads driven without any fuss. Managed to get stuck when I stopped in a drift:doh: can't blame the car for that but i always keep a folding shovel in the boot and had it out in a few minutes. Our snow here is more frozen sleet than real snow so you're travelling on a hard crust with very light powder underneath. Its no problem when taken with a bit of momentum but when you stop (to take a photo:eek:) it can be tricky to get going again. The North and East of Ireland is getting heavy snow but down it the South West its all heavy frost with occasional sleet showers.

And I'll echo what you're saying about the Prius, my wifes got one too and its performed brilliantly in the big freeze over here. Its only on road tires (we haven't had any serious cold weather down here since 1983 so no one has winter tires here) but its been great. It's confidence inspiring to drive it. I've heavily criticised the traction/stabilty control (mind you thats the driver, the wife doesn't even know its there:rolleyes:) in the past but it makes the car almost unspinable. I took it on to a car park that was a sheet of ice to give it a good test and I've never seen anything recover a slide like it. I couldn't spin it without using the parking brake and even when you initiated a slide it almost self recovered every time. All you had to do was steer into the slide and it did the rest. I had it totally broadside a few times when I said to myself, it has to spin here, but no, it came out of it everytime. Unbelievable. Mind you the fuel economy does drop off dramatically in the cold.
We have to sell it soon as we have a third kid on the way and there's just no way of getting three child seats in the back. Its very disappointing. We're looking at replacing it with a Honda FRV.
Hi SpudH

Not got the knack of handbrake turn in the prius as the handbrake is on the foot and it has to go all on, to get it bake off, but fun.

Yeah got to admit the consumtion has gone down to 55 average during the cold and dark nights, but in the summer its up to 65-70mpg. The £15 a year road tax makes me smile.
I look at is as the so called ''Carbon Off setting'' or what ever they call it, Yeah really, we are a free country so you drive what you want. Wife drives her i drive mine.

If the Goverment were that bothered about gas guzzeling motors why do they let the Police traffic cars be Volvo V70 T5, they average 16mpg and doing approx 50k per year, say no more, and now moving onto BMW 3ltr diesel that still only do 20mpg, still say thay may as well just have a fleet of Rangie's.

Strange how so many people comment on the Rangie, ''Bet you're glad you have that'' ''Its ok for you with your four wheel drive'' now they are stuffed.
Hi SpudH

Not got the knack of handbrake turn in the prius as the handbrake is on the foot and it has to go all on, to get it bake off, but fun.

Yeah got to admit the consumtion has gone down to 55 average during the cold and dark nights, but in the summer its up to 65-70mpg. The £15 a year road tax makes me smile.
I look at is as the so called ''Carbon Off setting'' or what ever they call it, Yeah really, we are a free country so you drive what you want. Wife drives her i drive mine.

If the Goverment were that bothered about gas guzzeling motors why do they let the Police traffic cars be Volvo V70 T5, they average 16mpg and doing approx 50k per year, say no more, and now moving onto BMW 3ltr diesel that still only do 20mpg, still say thay may as well just have a fleet of Rangie's.

Strange how so many people comment on the Rangie, ''Bet you're glad you have that'' ''Its ok for you with your four wheel drive'' now they are stuffed.

Sad thing about planet saving cars like the Prius is that they have to run for thirty years to pay back the extra CO2 they take to manufacture above and beyond a normal car. The damage has been done making them, they save nothing. Owners fuel costs maybe, but not any CO2 emissions.

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