answer a question with a question and wait for the cautionary tale story-which is a load of ****.

If the **** doesn't involve you directly= you don't know and are not interested.

If it does involve you gain the upper hand by not understanding the caution etc.

**** them off by asking for food and drink too.
Thick ****'s left me with my phone in a cell as well. In the bog for cctv free text.

Having had problems with a neighbor they did sod all-sorted it out myself.

Avon and Somerset should be renamed dumb and dumber.
funnyest thing ive ever whitnessed with the coppers was a young lad i knew with a nickname of dermot

when he was bout 13 a little stumpy gobby git he was sat on the little old beaten up moped he had fer field use haveing a rest after legitemately pushing the fooker for 1/2 mile from his mums house almost got to mine to be repaired

at the time me mum sent me to the shop where i came across him i told him to wait while i nipped in the shop and id push it the rest of the way

a copper came along just as i was leaveing dermot and the copper hit him with the usual 20 questions whose is it is this a road legal vehicle etc he was still at it when i came out of the shop i could see the young lad was seriously ****ed off by now and just saw him start the bike just as the copper shouted oi wherees your helmet

to wich my mate shouted its in me fookin pants now feck orff yer victor bloody meldrew cnut ant promptly took off on it with a flat tyre and no exhaust

i later fixed the bike and he dissapeared with it till bout 4 hours later its just going dark and i heared it comeing down our street pretty slow all i could see was the lad on the moped crawling along with a police transit and flashing lights right behind him it was bout walking pace and by all accounts the copper could have got out the van and cought him on foot

must have been the slowest police chase i ever saw bloody pathetic if yer ask me
funnyest thing ive ever whitnessed with the coppers was a young lad i knew with a nickname of dermot

when he was bout 13 a little stumpy gobby git he was sat on the little old beaten up moped he had fer field use haveing a rest after legitemately pushing the fooker for 1/2 mile from his mums house almost got to mine to be repaired

at the time me mum sent me to the shop where i came across him i told him to wait while i nipped in the shop and id push it the rest of the way

a copper came along just as i was leaveing dermot and the copper hit him with the usual 20 questions whose is it is this a road legal vehicle etc he was still at it when i came out of the shop i could see the young lad was seriously ****ed off by now and just saw him start the bike just as the copper shouted oi wherees your helmet

to wich my mate shouted its in me fookin pants now feck orff yer victor bloody meldrew cnut ant promptly took off on it with a flat tyre and no exhaust

i later fixed the bike and he dissapeared with it till bout 4 hours later its just going dark and i heared it comeing down our street pretty slow all i could see was the lad on the moped crawling along with a police transit and flashing lights right behind him it was bout walking pace and by all accounts the copper could have got out the van and cought him on foot

must have been the slowest police chase i ever saw bloody pathetic if yer ask me

Surely if it wasn't taxed,mot'd and insured it couldn't legally be pushed up the road? Can picture the "chase" though, would have been a funny sight. The cop probably couldnt get out the van for laughing.
Surely if it wasn't taxed,mot'd and insured it couldn't legally be pushed up the road? Can picture the "chase" though, would have been a funny sight. The cop probably couldnt get out the van for laughing.

it can legally be pushed up the pavement as long as you can prove it wont run our favourite method was take the sparkplug out and keep it in yer pocket :D:D
it can legally be pushed up the pavement as long as you can prove it wont run our favourite method was take the sparkplug out and keep it in yer pocket :D:D

Not in Scotland it cant, that would be a separate offence of driving on a place other than a road without owners permission:blabla:. Only way would be for it to have the engine or gearbox removed then it would not be a "mechanically propelled vehicle", I know a guy got off with being done for no docs on his car but he got off as it didnt have a gearbox fitted, which plod didnt check.:blabla:
it can legally be pushed up the pavement as long as you can prove it wont run our favourite method was take the sparkplug out and keep it in yer pocket :D:D

sorry jc but you are wrong,it is illegal to ride/push a motorcycle on the public highway,even if it is a non runner by whatever must be insured to do this,even if you are taking it for a MOT.
sorry jc but you are wrong,it is illegal to ride/push a motorcycle on the public highway,even if it is a non runner by whatever must be insured to do this,even if you are taking it for a MOT.

Are you sure? As you a car without an MOT but 'insured' isn't actually insured. As it's not road worthy. However can still drive it to a garage... So there may be a loop hole somewhere.
Are you sure? As you a car without an MOT but 'insured' isn't actually insured. As it's not road worthy. However can still drive it to a garage... So there may be a loop hole somewhere.

your wrong a pre booked mot and straight back is covered-booking mot 150 miles away isn't
and to push a bike (motorbike) you must also have your crash helmet on...

bet you didnt know that.
Hi there, Sorry to here of your trouble with the law, this happened to a friend if mine, the vehicle was inspected by the police traffic inspection team who had it for about a month.
Apparently it was made up of three different vehicles or so they said, my mates dad got a solicitor involved who in turn lodged a formal complaint with the IPCC, he got his land rover defender back but still gets stopped to this day.
Dam right harrasment if you ask me. Best of luck mate
they don't bother pulling me anymore

oh i did get a section 59 though cnuts sed i was wheelspining entrying a carpark

in a 300tdi disco on a 4 inch lift 2 body 2 sus

and insa turbo speical tracks

it's grunty but it'd wobble too much too wheel spin

the problem is age i'm 27 but look 18 :) love it but that just means i'll get pulled my other car is a slammed clio :-D and get the same **** in that

but when it snows and we go to pull them out the ditches, i love seeing there face as i say, oh sorry, i can't recovery you right now, and drive away:)
sorry jc but you are wrong,it is illegal to ride/push a motorcycle on the public highway,even if it is a non runner by whatever must be insured to do this,even if you are taking it for a MOT.

14 years ago it was legal to push a bike down a public pathway as long as you could prove you werent riding it they changed that law when all these mini moto pocket bikes came out :cool::cool:
14 years ago it was legal to push a bike down a public pathway as long as you could prove you werent riding it they changed that law when all these mini moto pocket bikes came out :cool::cool:

sorry jc,but you are wrong,more than 14 years ago my brother got done for pushing his m/bike to the repair shop,i know as it was me carrying the chain for it:doh:.the copper did him for having no insurance,even though we could prove it could not be ridden.:mad::mad:
sorry jc,but you are wrong,more than 14 years ago my brother got done for pushing his m/bike to the repair shop,i know as it was me carrying the chain for it:doh:.the copper did him for having no insurance,even though we could prove it could not be ridden.:mad::mad:

youve been bitten by a jobsworth copper then

we always used the sparkplug chestnut and it always worked :D:D:D
answer a question with a question and wait for the cautionary tale story-which is a load of ****.

If the **** doesn't involve you directly= you don't know and are not interested.

If it does involve you gain the upper hand by not understanding the caution etc.

**** them off by asking for food and drink too.
Thick ****'s left me with my phone in a cell as well. In the bog for cctv free text.

Having had problems with a neighbor they did sod all-sorted it out myself.

Avon and Somerset should be renamed dumb and dumber.

hahhahahahahahahahha you dont even know the caution :D:D:D:D:D:D:D
hahhahahahahahahahha you dont even know the caution :D:D:D:D:D:D:D

:D the not understanding point make the situation no worse for person, but muddy's the water for police and CPS. Having personally done what I suggested it works.

Further to this the caution is not loaded in persons favour for cooperating.
Not being a legal expert it in my opinion is the wisest move to say no-ramifications of saying yes and remembering something for your defence later.
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just a few things....
no, its not pc holden... met him before,, he's an ok chappy...
i'm the lads mother, i am female...sorry guys
vin checks ok , it is the correct vin for a landy, 200 tdi, right year etc...
i think the issue is it has had some welding done on the chassis, its 18yrs old what do they expect.., i allready know who two of the previous owners were, its only had 4 owners..
yes... its around eckington,(has anyone seen said son driving like an ass)
off to make a complaint this morning... ill keep you posted..
just a few things....
no, its not pc holden... met him before,, he's an ok chappy...
i'm the lads mother, i am female...sorry guys
vin checks ok , it is the correct vin for a landy, 200 tdi, right year etc...
i think the issue is it has had some welding done on the chassis, its 18yrs old what do they expect.., i allready know who two of the previous owners were, its only had 4 owners..
yes... its around eckington,(has anyone seen said son driving like an ass)
off to make a complaint this morning... ill keep you posted..

i hope you get it sorted,but some of the bods on here do know of your sons landy,so it might be that he has been drawing attention to himself.:doh::doh:
Remember the registered keeper is not the legal owner- so the reason he can afford it is it's yours. Also if the insurance is in your name make sure you point out he is an occasional driver. Contact police hq and make formal complaint.
ive never had any polic + Landie issues except

1. Tramlining at 3am on a rutted road (checked me out)

2. Vehicle search after caught urbexing

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