Fastest thing to do is put the landy in the next available car auction ,and then buy ur son a corsa and lie low for a while !
I had problems with man hating femaile police officer, my advice is contact HQ and ask to make a formal complaint. do not go for a local resolution, go police complainrts.

I ended up with an appology and officer ended up with it on her police record.

Some police are okay, most think they are better than us.
As for the ****, stay well away from him and wait for contact from inspector.
i just finished building a road legal track car nova ( i know) but it isnt a boy racer thing its a serious tool everything you can imagine seam welded wide arches fiberglass panels plastic windows roll cage harnesses and a 180hp 2 litre 16v an weber 45s short box with a diff proper job like and went past the police a wee bit to quick and they turned round and stopped me obvioussly couldnt do me with speeding as i wasnt:) so they went over the car with a fine tooth comb and mumped and moaned about various things which none of which were there concern and eventualy turned there attention to the engine and they reckoned i was insuring it as a 1.2 but it was all legal and above board apart from the v5 away to swansea for engine size change som they impounded the car and charged me with no insurance, got it back two days later free as a bird no charges or points itried to tell the cnuts but they reckoned i wouldnt be able to insure a car like that for 450 quid dumb fookers :D
So Sheddy00, are you still a free man or have you been locked up on devils island with yer laddies Landy ?
dont suppose it was lee holden (pc)was it?i live in chesterfield and he's the officer who has a lot to do with the landy thefts,if so the mans an arsehole,he's stopped me and all the lads i go offroading with,he had a stinking attitude with us all,we had to take are landys in to ripley headquarters to be checked out,he smuggly told us that some of landys wernt right and some of us wont be getting are landys back,we all got them back and they all checked out perfect,dont get me wrong im all in support of the police doing something about the landy thefts i just think the "power" has gone to pc holdens head if you know what i mean
dont suppose it was lee holden (pc)was it?i live in chesterfield and he's the officer who has a lot to do with the landy thefts,if so the mans an arsehole,he's stopped me and all the lads i go offroading with,he had a stinking attitude with us all,we had to take are landys in to ripley headquarters to be checked out,he smuggly told us that some of landys wernt right and some of us wont be getting are landys back,we all got them back and they all checked out perfect,dont get me wrong im all in support of the police doing something about the landy thefts i just think the "power" has gone to pc holdens head if you know what i mean

If it's the landy I think it is, it's been in plain sight for a long time now. I go past it every day and it's certainly not purposely hidden or anything. I think it's the one always parked outside the post office?
dont suppose it was lee holden (pc)was it?i live in chesterfield and he's the officer who has a lot to do with the landy thefts,if so the mans an arsehole,he's stopped me and all the lads i go offroading with,he had a stinking attitude with us all,we had to take are landys in to ripley headquarters to be checked out,he smuggly told us that some of landys wernt right and some of us wont be getting are landys back,we all got them back and they all checked out perfect,dont get me wrong im all in support of the police doing something about the landy thefts i just think the "power" has gone to pc holdens head if you know what i mean

Maybe he just needs a big hug. lol
If it's the landy I think it is, it's been in plain sight for a long time now. I go past it every day and it's certainly not purposely hidden or anything. I think it's the one always parked outside the post office?
yeh ive seen the landy about for a while now,dont know where he lives but passed him a quite a few times
i reckon his puppy got run over by a landy when he was nipper,haunted him for life:pound:

As someone who had the joy of working with police, 85% are a prick with a badge and fully signed up political correctness.

Not having a criminal record my experience of them 6 times is they are ineffective coupled with a pain in the arse.

I have been arrested once and I went in by my own choice at 10am and told to come back at 10pm- cocks kept me till 3am and offered me a lift home-no further action.

If you get cautioned my advice is you don't understand and the duty solicitor told you to say it=cps won't touch it. You get royal service and an appropriate adult.
Ex police myself and I know a lot more than the majority of so called self appointed experts on this site i'd say it was 50/50 of decent hard working people to complete nobbers.
Ex police myself and I know a lot more than the majority of so called self appointed experts on this site i'd say it was 50/50 of decent hard working people to complete nobbers.

Which 50% were you then??:D:D:D:D:D:D:D
As someone who had the joy of working with police, 85% are a prick with a badge and fully signed up political correctness.

Not having a criminal record my experience of them 6 times is they are ineffective coupled with a pain in the arse.

I have been arrested once and I went in by my own choice at 10am and told to come back at 10pm- cocks kept me till 3am and offered me a lift home-no further action.

If you get cautioned my advice is you don't understand and the duty solicitor told you to say it=cps won't touch it. You get royal service and an appropriate adult.
thanks i'll remember that,to be fair the other officers were fine and talked to us properly,it was just holden who had a stinking attidude,this was when the big operation was on in derbyshire and he think he was heading it or something,as i said i think the power had gone to his head
Ex police myself and I know a lot more than the majority of so called self appointed experts on this site i'd say it was 50/50 of decent hard working people to complete nobbers.

I know a couple of policemen who are great guys. My ex's dad was a dog officer with 2 dogs and was hilarious and very nice to me. Even he said that there were a lot of nobs who enjoy the power but you just have to let them think they're winning.

On the other hand every one I've met on the street has been a total cock, except one. I've been stopped with petrol before walking to my grandads house to start his triumph herald. I'm old enough to buy it, it was in a proper container, I was going by the nearest route possible and the journey was no longer than 5 minutes. In my opinion "we have a lot of mini motorbikes riding around here" is not a good enough reason to obstruct me for half an hour when I've committed no crime. He was loving it, I could tell. I did actually ask "can you read me my rights or get out of my way?" in the end. He let me walk as he had nothing on me. COCK

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