sorry jc,but you are wrong,more than 14 years ago my brother got done for pushing his m/bike to the repair shop,i know as it was me carrying the chain for it:doh:.the copper did him for having no insurance,even though we could prove it could not be ridden.:mad::mad:

got a tug myself about 17 years ago on a puch 50, just pushing it to the garage as ran out of fuel but that was the day i learned that you needed to wear a helmet even when pushing it.

wasnt a jobsworth either, a decent copper who knew his area and residents (had a few visits from him in younger days but rarely more than a smack on the wrists). He let kids be kids and much better than the badge jockeys you get now.
Let's face it, most of the jobs a copper does is dealing with people are usually committing/have comitted a crime and are trying to get out of it. Deal with crap all day every shift and I defy you not to get an attitude. I reckon the decent ones are those who manage to have a life away from the Force.

But then again every job has its assholes ;)
Let's face it, most of the jobs a copper does is dealing with people are usually committing/have comitted a crime and are trying to get out of it. Deal with crap all day every shift and I defy you not to get an attitude. I reckon the decent ones are those who manage to have a life away from the Force.

But then again every job has its assholes ;)

Yes, especially those that perform anal bleaching!!!

did i see somewhere that if the bike is off the ground by six inches then ya can legally push it down the road without a helmet n insurance/tax etc?
How was dibbles reaction to the complaint?
did i see somewhere that if the bike is off the ground by six inches then ya can legally push it down the road without a helmet n insurance/tax etc?
How was dibbles reaction to the complaint?

Apart from David Coppertwat how the feck are you going to get it six inches off the ground :rolleyes: :D :D
did i see somewhere that if the bike is off the ground by six inches then ya can legally push it down the road without a helmet n insurance/tax etc?
How was dibbles reaction to the complaint?

Keep takin the tablets matey! lol
:D the not understanding point make the situation no worse for person, but muddy's the water for police and CPS. Having personally done what I suggested it works.

Further to this the caution is not loaded in persons favour for cooperating.
Not being a legal expert it in my opinion is the wisest move to say no-ramifications of saying yes and remembering something for your defence later.

fanny I likes you but it wont work......."you are under arrest for murder" sorry me no understand the caution.."thats ok you dont understand the caution go off on your merry way then" snigger :D:D:D
fanny I likes you but it wont work......."you are under arrest for murders" sorry me no understand the caution.."thats ok you dont understand the caution go off on your merry way then" snigger :D:D:D

? edited for accuracy:D

Off to buy a freezer and couple of ho's

That or somewhere not on a map, If you have an incident the best thing to do is not panic, if you own a farm remove teeth and bury body in a suitable agent.

I was thinking more
YouTube - snatch movie clip "I fu**ing hate pikeys"

Chav mass murderer?

fanny youve gorra see this its **** funny and ties in perfect fer this thread lol
[nomedia=""]YouTube - Hitler and the pikeys.wmv[/nomedia]:D:D:D
[nomedia=""]YouTube - Lock, Stock meets George and Zippy[/nomedia]
[nomedia=""]YouTube - Pikey in a Renault[/nomedia]
[nomedia=""]YouTube - Pikey in a Renault[/nomedia]

Arbeit macht frei- not

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