[nomedia="http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=IokQf21NANo"]YouTube - Red Victor runs 7.6 @189mph[/nomedia]
[nomedia="http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=PBwK9Lbfx5Q&feature=related"]YouTube - Red Victor 1 (Fifth Gear)[/nomedia]
2001hp 1 sec 0-60mph
[nomedia="http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=GiAE0VzTQTM&NR=1&feature=fv"]YouTube - Fifth Gear - Dukes of Hazzard v Starsky & Hutch Shoot-Out[/nomedia]
When I was 17 and had my defender 90 I always got pulled, a couple of times for been a cock but other times I wasn't doing anything. Got pulled because plod wanted to know what a 17yr old was doing in a tricked up landy.

Not my fault I didn't smoke or drink. I spent my money on my car. But throughout 9yrs of driving and getting pulled a few times, last one on christmas eve for been a cock and powering past mortals stuck in the snow in cars, I have always been polite said sorry and walked away without points or fines.

It may be annoying but spot-checks do make sense. There's so much insurance fronting going on these days and everyone would get away with it if it wasn't for the spot-checks. There's no other way to tackle this type of fraud until the damage has already been done.
99.9% of the police are compleate ass-holes!!!!!FACT..ITS A POWER THING FOR THEM!!!!!BULLY AT SCHOOL OR SOMETHING.AVON&SOMERSET compleate knobs........
99.9% of the police are compleate ass-holes!!!!!FACT..ITS A POWER THING FOR THEM!!!!!BULLY AT SCHOOL OR SOMETHING.AVON&SOMERSET compleate knobs........

Try talking through yer mouth and give yer arse a break. That is bull****.:blabla:
99.9% of the police are compleate ass-holes!!!!!FACT..ITS A POWER THING FOR THEM!!!!!BULLY AT SCHOOL OR SOMETHING.AVON&SOMERSET compleate knobs........

100% of p38 rabbits are childish bullied self important chavs that the general population ignore....bye :D:D:D:D
99.9% of the police are compleate ass-holes!!!!!FACT..ITS A POWER THING FOR THEM!!!!!BULLY AT SCHOOL OR SOMETHING.AVON&SOMERSET compleate knobs........

reckon its takes about 1 in 10 for some peeps to condemn a whole group....on that basis the amount of arseholes on this forum is about 300% of membership :eek::D:D

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