ah a balanced intellectual reply,could we move these comments to the LZ junior section ?

Why land the junior section with numbnuts like that? His knuckles are probably scraping on the ground to match his low forehead and heavy eyebrows... unless he can share with us his experiences ( how,where when he was caught).:eek::D
It's them Special Cuuntstables I hate. fooking tossers espshully them Wiltshire lot..
Never been caught, never done anything. But I have had family members on the receiving end of what most would consider serious crimes, and both times the police have failed to act in anything like an appropriate way. Quite simply me and my family were disgusted at the polices lack of interest and support towards the victim.

Second note, I work very closely with the police (security consultant) and can honestly say nearly all (not 100% ill admit) of the officers Iv had to work with are useless, clueless, power-hungry idiots. Wether this shows a problem with police officers as a whole or the way they are run I don't know.

I can assure you my knuckles do not drag along the floor and my previous comment was merely a quick opinion, albeit one expressed in a rather loutish way!:rolleyes:
I'm a bit disillusioned, several times we have needed police help at work, mostly criminal damage. The most laughable was when someone drove a car though our front wall, wrecked it and drove off. We caught it all on video, got the license plate etc, spent half an hour going through it all with plod, months later we got a letter - case dropped, not enough evidence! WTF.

We still report stuff so it gets logged but that's it.
I'm a bit disillusioned, several times we have needed police help at work, mostly criminal damage. The most laughable was when someone drove a car though our front wall, wrecked it and drove off. We caught it all on video, got the license plate etc, spent half an hour going through it all with plod, months later we got a letter - case dropped, not enough evidence! WTF.

We still report stuff so it gets logged but that's it.

Agreed, you hit the nail on the head!
You might like to remember that the copper you talk to, or the CID who investigate your incident... is not the same person or group who decide whether to prosecute or whatthe policing priorities for the district might be.

I wouldn't mind betting the coppers concerned were every bit as ****ed off that they not do anything further as you were!
:blabla:Maybe thats an English thing but I suspect the "standard" of police persons in general are much higher in Scotland. But thats only an opinion. I just hate to hear people slaggin off all the police when only the minority are nobbers.
all coolkrio is a security guard..........no wonder he has the attitude he does. couldnt pass the entrance examination nobber
:pop2::5bbeatdeadhorse5:I would still love to know what triggered all this off, did mummies boy do a bit of dodgy driving then give plod some attitude? Lookin for a bit closure on this one.
all coolkrio is a security guard..........no wonder he has the attitude he does. couldnt pass the entrance examination nobber

Checking to make sure that you have at least 10 fingers and that you can 'drive it like you stole it' aint exactly a hard entrance examination though.:rolleyes::rolleyes::rolleyes:
Checking to make sure that you have at least 10 fingers and that you can 'drive it like you stole it' aint exactly a hard entrance examination though.:rolleyes::rolleyes::rolleyes:

sorry mate in all seriousness this bloke is a retarded security guard with delusions of grandeur..........basic psychology ....... projection
Im not a security guard, sorry to disappoint.
And I think im aloud to put across my opinion. Just as you are.
You might like to remember that the copper you talk to, or the CID who investigate your incident... is not the same person or group who decide whether to prosecute or whatthe policing priorities for the district might be.

I wouldn't mind betting the coppers concerned were every bit as ****ed off that they not do anything further as you were!

Yes thats the annoying bit, you have the CPS and all tha mallarkey in-between but this was pretty obvious, they had video footage, their faces were shown, the car was identified-make, model and year, all you need.

Even if it came back as stolen, it wouldn't have been so bad but to just be dropped :mad::mad: how much more evidence does it need, maybe a urine or blood sample too???
Ok I'm wrong!:eek: Not all police are idiots. But I still stand by my original note that the complaint should still be put in. If people don't bother then the rubbish ones will never be sorted.
Oh and I'm definatly to dumb to be a security guard, let alone a police officer!
Ok I'm wrong!:eek: Not all police are idiots. But I still stand by my original note that the complaint should still be put in. If people don't bother then the rubbish ones will never be sorted.
Oh and I'm definatly to dumb to be a security guard, let alone a police officer!

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