That's a contradiction in terms lightning. Modern cars chassis may be a touch longer-lasting. But few owners of 'modern cars' keep them a long time, especially once they are told the engine needs replacing.
Had a friend with an MG hatchback 1800cc, it was about fifteen years old, engine had barely 70k on it. Took it for a service and the mechanic saw the engine was already worn and needed replacing.

I probably didn’t explain it properly

What l was trying to say is, the electronics will most likely be reliable, and it will be the mechanical parts wearing out that kill the vehicle in the end.
How much are they?
The Bolinger looks nice I'm not against it, but here's the thing. Those batteries will need replacing every five years, ten if you are lucky and if you think an engine is expensive, the 100kw worth of batteries will cost an absolute fortune and probably will need a Bolinger Automotive Technician to install and test.
Sadly this is the way of the future. Batteries for everyone.
Oh well looks like JLR have made up my mind for me. If there is no pickup will probably go for the raptor, trouble is that Ford dealers in my view are as much use as a chocolate fire guard especially with after sales service.
Screw that, give me a anti-grav system or fuel-cell than perma-pay for batteries.
Unless they can provide a Tesla-policy of replacing the batteries that is... :)
Electric is coming in the next 5-10 years, so we if the pricks in California and the EU have their way. But hey, at least Africa, Asia and Central/South America will continue to pollute the atmosphere.
It's a known working practice to share production lines. The line is designed around the complexity of the vehicle they're building. The length is determined by the number of seperate build stages. Add to that the timing of each stage, they need a certain volumn of vehicles going down the same line to fill it.

If you take Halewood as an eggsample, it built the Jag S type and FL2. When the S type stopped the Evoque started and used the same line. When the FL2 stopped the Disco Sport took it's place on the line. The S type wasn't as complex to build as it had fewer build stages but still helped fill the lines volume. If the S type were not there the line would have been less economical as it would have been half empty. They only needed to build around 220 FL2's per day. They wouldn't want to slow the line down or build every other day as that's not economical.

As for shared parts, thats been common in vehicle build for decades. Without it they would be much more eggspensive to build. There's no point in designing another fool level sensor or parking distance sensor if you already have one available in production which fits yer requirements. Reduces cost with economies of scale and assists the after sales supply of parts as there's fewer differing parts needing to be supplied though the network. Hence why the new tratter looks like a Freelander and eye bet it's Freelander underneath anorl. Independent suspension... unibody build with no seperate chassis... ;)
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Aye Up,

I agree the new Defender looks like a stubby Freelander.

The military had already turned their backs on LR - the Gulf Wars saw to that.
With all the electronics on the new Defender perhaps EMP could be a quick killer.

For that matter, how long before someone hacks a dealership and uploads a virus that knocks them all down?
Aye Up,

I agree the new Defender looks like a stubby Freelander.

The military had already turned their backs on LR - the Gulf Wars saw to that.
With all the electronics on the new Defender perhaps EMP could be a quick killer.

For that matter, how long before someone hacks a dealership and uploads a virus that knocks them all down?
Be easy to do with 84 ecus.
Ive sometimes wondered if the continual replacement of all things mechanical with electronics might be what leads to the eventual demise of mankind?

Consider - a sun flare like the one which caused issues with the national grid in Canada knocks down all power supply which knocks down production of everything from vehicles to food, water supply etc.
It wouldn’t even need to be a long term outage, just a few weeks would see most of us off :-(
Be easy to do with 84 ecus.
A lot of ecu's in cars are no where near as complex as a computer is, like a laptop computer. A lot of them will be far less complex than a phone. Most of them are betterer described as micro controllers.
i think the 90 looks good the 110 looks horrific, like the commercials, look forward to see how they pull/drive. i know the new ford rangers are a croc of **** compared to the older models - we have one now a brand spanker as well as a 58 and a 55 plate. may be its how everything is these days. i don't think you can compare the new with the good old ones that didn't worry about emissions, fuel effeciency, aerodinamics, looks or general confort.
Electric is coming in the next 5-10 years, so we if the pricks in California and the EU have their way. But hey, at least Africa, Asia and Central/South America will continue to pollute the atmosphere.
Let the electric go electric, but leave the existing tech alone. If people are still trundling about in steam engines then you can sure they'll be people still trundling about in Defenders old son.
Let the electric go electric, but leave the existing tech alone. If people are still trundling about in steam engines then you can sure they'll be people still trundling about in Defenders old son.
The issue is at some point they will ban petrol and diesel cars completely. This will destroy the fuel industry, put millions of people out of work and cause the economic collapse of several countries tries around the world, but California, the environmental people and the EU won't care about this, all they will care about is that our emmisions will be next to nothing.

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