
Well-Known Member

The National Catalogue of Rights of Way

Have a look at this
Click on browse maps. then onto the area your looking for lanes

TrailWise - The National Catalogue of Rights of Way

hope this helps people :D
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Every-one who asks, 'Is there a 'Green-Lane GPS' well THIS is it!

How much would you pay for a box of tricks that guided you down Green Lanes in Halfords, eh?

Pay your dues to GLASS, get your OWN access code!

and all the other benefits they offer!
If you click on the map icon on the top right it gives you a fair bit of detail, Start, end, and some photo's

Select the area on the map, then when the markers come up click one and then click on the UID
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JEEZ.... what tight wads!
Costs £20 or so to join a GLASS affilliated club, only a little more to join GLASS direct.
For which you get FULL access, to Trail-Wise, and help GLASS fund the campaigning to keep our rights to use these lanes AND everything else club membership might offer!
Its peanits! Half the price of a typical fill-up! 100miles of motoring.....
JUST bludy JOIN & be done!

If you want something for nothing go torrent 'Memory-Map" and all the OS digi-maps so you can plot these lanes on them via the over-lay exporter..............
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The problem I always find is not identifying the byways, they are after all quite clearly marked for those who would like to look for them on OS or MM. It is the highways that are marked as other routes or sometimes a simple unclassified roads. Some of these are as scenic as any byway but it is only 1 in 20 that is really worth the time and trouble.
The problem I always find is not identifying the byways, they are after all quite clearly marked for those who would like to look for them on OS or MM. It is the highways that are marked as other routes or sometimes a simple unclassified roads. Some of these are as scenic as any byway but it is only 1 in 20 that is really worth the time and trouble.

Yes.... but the trouble is that the 2006 NERC act made RUPP's obsolete,
but something like 90% of OS maps still being sold, and more, still in use, still show them.

(due to the 'revision schedule, meaning they only get updated something like once a decade)

So, by-ways, yes, we can see them on the map and still drive them, but without Trailwise for RUPP's we wont have a clue..... (Well, without a lot of leg-work round the councils Def-Maps etc!)

But, just as useful, the Trailwise 'comments' can be very useful in deciding whether to include a lane on a route.

Depends on who's driven the trail, how recently, and what comments they have included, but you often get comments that will tell you if a route has been obstructed, or if the surface has been deeply rutted or churned up, or if theres a 'feature' like rock-steps, or a narrow gate-way that would make it dificult or impassable for a larger 4x4 or one still wearing street-skirts etc. as well as comments on views and stuff that might make it more attractive.

This is stuff you cant acces withot full membership, or add too, so the more of us that have full aceess and use it, better the 'ground condition' data should get.
Yeah that's **** hot that, if i search within 40km of my house it only shows me half of one of at least 10 (definate) BOATs I know within that area...

FFS there's another 3 within a mile of the half a lane shown! :doh:
TW is only as good as is contributors. Some areas are very well documented, from what you say Creswell ins't. You could add the lanes yourself and document your very good local knowledge?
TW is only as good as is contributors. Some areas are very well documented, from what you say Creswell ins't. You could add the lanes yourself and document your very good local knowledge?

Ahh, I see... thought it was a multimap sort of thing, already listing BOAT's etc. If it makes a more up-to-date version of WayFinder, i'll have a go!
comment of previous post in this thread! £20 quid half the price of filling up???? What are you driving? A G-Whizz???? The Range Rovers tank takes nearly £90!!!!
comment of previous post in this thread! £20 quid half the price of filling up???? What are you driving? A G-Whizz???? The Range Rovers tank takes nearly £90!!!!
More than actually..... its a 90l tank.... if you use petrol........

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