Hahaha, easy mate, Ill take you up on your challenge. If you can drive properly you don't need fancy tyres its simple, maybe you should also learn to drive. Maybe go on a course with the institute of advanced drivers. Ever noticed the AA special recovery Land Rovers have standard tyres? Why? Because those lot also know ho to drive:your_wrong:

errm no, the AA refuse to go off-road to recover people, other than a cross a grassy field to park up to sell stuff to people at village fates.

If you need them to recover you from a lane they will charge you through the roof for it and bring in special contractors to do it, they will not use their own Land Rover's.

as far as advanced driving courses go, no, not done one, but, know everything which is taught on one as both my parents did them as part of their blue lights training (and then some extra stuff) - for every day road driving they teach you some really good skills - for handling a vehicle off road? Nothing. it's not covered.

Well.. i'm at the bottom of Derbyshire... let me know when you fancy coming up and I'll take you out on some of the local lanes - in my 1964 series, which i am confident will cope far better than whatever you're driving on standard road tyres :)
"The limits of my Land Rover are the limits of my world” as Ludwig Wittgenstein didn't quite say.
errm no, the AA refuse to go off-road to recover people, other than a cross a grassy field to park up to sell stuff to people at village fates.

If you need them to recover you from a lane they will charge you through the roof for it and bring in special contractors to do it, they will not use their own Land Rover's.

as far as advanced driving courses go, no, not done one, but, know everything which is taught on one as both my parents did them as part of their blue lights training (and then some extra stuff) - for every day road driving they teach you some really good skills - for handling a vehicle off road? Nothing. it's not covered.

Well.. i'm at the bottom of Derbyshire... let me know when you fancy coming up and I'll take you out on some of the local lanes - in my 1964 series, which i am confident will cope far better than whatever you're driving on standard road tyres :)

Well, perhaps you should go on an advanced drivers institute course yourself, rather than relying on your parents knowledge, or maybe the official Land Rover course, or maybe, just maybe realise that a standard Land Rover is more than capable without all the silly modifications! You are wrong about the AA, look harder!
If I ever venture to Derbyshire I will be happy to go laning with you. If I get stuck I will buy you a few jars, if I don't, you can buy me a few....I drink Guinness;)
Well, perhaps you should go on an advanced drivers institute course yourself, rather than relying on your parents knowledge, or maybe the official Land Rover course, or maybe, just maybe realise that a standard Land Rover is more than capable without all the silly modifications! You are wrong about the AA, look harder!
If I ever venture to Derbyshire I will be happy to go laning with you. If I get stuck I will buy you a few jars, if I don't, you can buy me a few....I drink Guinness;)

I've been on Land Rover run courses... i know what they involve... funny how all their Land Rover's are running at least A/T's if not muds... :rolleyes:

I took a 100% bog standard Disco 3 laning today - on standard road tyres. I have previouly taken a 100% bog standard TD5 Disco 2 laning on road tyres. I have also taken a lifted, modified Disco 1 - my 1964 Series and my 90 on A/T's laning - i am fully aware of what the different Land Rover's can and can't do off road and what difference different tyres make for the different kinds of lanes... on a lot road tyres do fine... on others they don't.

:welcome: to Derbyshire! Let me know when you're up :D
I've been on Land Rover run courses... i know what they involve... funny how all their Land Rover's are running at least A/T's if not muds... :rolleyes:

I took a 100% bog standard Disco 3 laning today - on standard road tyres. I have previouly taken a 100% bog standard TD5 Disco 2 laning on road tyres. I have also taken a lifted, modified Disco 1 - my 1964 Series and my 90 on A/T's laning - i am fully aware of what the different Land Rover's can and can't do off road and what difference different tyres make for the different kinds of lanes... on a lot road tyres do fine... on others they don't.

:welcome: to Derbyshire! Let me know when you're up :D

So basically you agree with me:confused:
When, if ever Im in Derbyshire you're on:)
So basically you agree with me:confused:
When, if ever Im in Derbyshire you're on:)

No... on some lanes roads will be fine... but, there are some lanes where they just instantly clog up with mud and are just like slicks, or you don't get the purchase you need on the rock.

But... yes, you can go out and enjoy a number of lanes on road tyres... it's just useful if you have a friend (nominally called Mark) in front / behind you to rescue you if it goes wrong :)

(FYI in the laning section is my review on laning a D3 on road tyres today!)
Dodgyrob, the off road tyre market seems to be doing pretty damn well considering (in your opinion only) that nobody should need them. :rolleyes:

Maybe you'd like to tell the vast majority of the users on this forum who run ATs or muds where we're all going wrong?! :confused:
Well I've just applied for a job at land rover experience :)

I shouldn't bother, as they too own vehicles with non-standard tyres on, so clearly must be doing something wrong too! :D

Dodgyrob, the off road tyre market seems to be doing pretty damn well considering (in your opinion only) that nobody should need them. :rolleyes:

Maybe you'd like to tell the vast majority of the users on this forum who run ATs or muds where we're all going wrong?! :confused:

You haven't been shown how to drive properly off road, you don't trust your Land Rover off road, you haven't got the confidence to take a standard Land Rover off road, you don't want to except you have wasted thousands of pounds on unnecessary rubber which you don't need to go off road.
Any or all of the above.:p
If you know how to drive correctly 'off road' then you do not require any 'special' tyres. I have standard road going 205/r16s on my defender, never been stuck once and very rarely have I locked my central diff.
Dont get big tyres, just learn to drive:p
the right tyres for the conditions obviously make a difference :confused:
Neither bored, nor a 'troll', just offering a different perspective on tyres:)

It's certainly a different perspective .. it's wrong, way wrong, but you're right, it IS a different perspective.

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